Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wisconsin / SOLD Deliver to ------

Wisconsin should have a price tag hanging off of it marked SOLD...... deliver to KS c/o The Koch Bros.

I actually do feel badly about the results of that recall election.  I was naive enough to hope against hope that not everyone had a price.  Why do I care?

I spent my high school years in Milwaukee.  I attended a private girls day/boarding school.  I was a boarder, and I loved it. This is where my interest in politics and government began.  The year was 1960.  JFK!  In my free time, I worked in the Kennedy Milwaukee campaign office.  The reality was that I attended school with the daughters of Milwaukee's elite, ( the beer barons, the sausage kings, the cheese mavens......) but, I was working in the campaign office with men and women from the labor unions.    I loved that mix as well as the mix of backgrounds of those in my school's boarding department..... (and yet, one of my dearest friends to this day was one of the day students, so you get the idea ----- a good place.)   Everywhere there was a "learning experience" if you were not closed down to new ideas, and really who is closed down at that age?

All of this goes to the point ---- why wouldn't I feel badly to see this place of fond memories and great education bought and trashed by Citizens United, the Koch Brothers,  Karl Rove,  Fox .........

Saturday, June 2, 2012

"The Metro Area!"

On Wed. May 30th, The Kansas City Star ran an article on the front page headlined, "Gay-lesbian Chamber Of Commerce Starts In KC."   "Wow"  I immediately contacted the reporter, Ms. Diane Stafford to ask if we were talking about Kansas or Missouri.  She said it was the "metro-area."  That means both sides of the state line.  This newest chamber is named, The Mid-American Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. "It will promote networking, diversity, and inclusion."  The first cooperate sponsor ------ wait for it ------ is Hallmark Cards Inc.  While this isn't exactly a "HEY" "WOW" moment for Kansas ----- Close enough!  I'm going to cheer anyway.

Straddling the state line is what many people do here.  My husband and I had a business on the Mo. side, and a residence on the Ks. side.  The Chiefs and Royals are from Mo. -- but, you don"t want to forget that there really are two Kansas Cities.  One for each side.  We would give a little geography lesson to nieces and a nephew when they arrived at the airport for visits.  Welcome to Mo. - crossing the river - welcome to Ks., and somewhere in all that crossing of a river or State Line Road, you have passed through --  taa daaa,  the Metro Area!   A Mighty Welcome To Our New Gay-lesbian Chamber Of Commerce  (It is about time.)