Saturday, June 2, 2012

"The Metro Area!"

On Wed. May 30th, The Kansas City Star ran an article on the front page headlined, "Gay-lesbian Chamber Of Commerce Starts In KC."   "Wow"  I immediately contacted the reporter, Ms. Diane Stafford to ask if we were talking about Kansas or Missouri.  She said it was the "metro-area."  That means both sides of the state line.  This newest chamber is named, The Mid-American Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. "It will promote networking, diversity, and inclusion."  The first cooperate sponsor ------ wait for it ------ is Hallmark Cards Inc.  While this isn't exactly a "HEY" "WOW" moment for Kansas ----- Close enough!  I'm going to cheer anyway.

Straddling the state line is what many people do here.  My husband and I had a business on the Mo. side, and a residence on the Ks. side.  The Chiefs and Royals are from Mo. -- but, you don"t want to forget that there really are two Kansas Cities.  One for each side.  We would give a little geography lesson to nieces and a nephew when they arrived at the airport for visits.  Welcome to Mo. - crossing the river - welcome to Ks., and somewhere in all that crossing of a river or State Line Road, you have passed through --  taa daaa,  the Metro Area!   A Mighty Welcome To Our New Gay-lesbian Chamber Of Commerce  (It is about time.)