Thursday, April 11, 2013

Let's Keep A Good Thought!

At first glance this story wouldn't seem to fit into my Kansas chronicles, but you may recall how we went over this ground regarding the KC Metro area.  Yes?  Soooo, a news item about Research Medical Center on the Missouri side of the state line will be fair play.  What happened?  Most of you might know, but in a nutshell, a gay man was refused the right to stay with his sick partner as he was not recognized by the hospital as family.  He wound up getting arrested, and slapped with a restraining order.  He also had to face the wrath of his partner's family --- charming!

The event brings to mind, in a round about way, a brief moment I shared with a very kind and helpful Apple employee.  I had called the "help line" for general assistance.  We got to chatting --- not at all unusual for me.  I tend to ask where the technicians are located and warn them I am a little old lady from Kansas --- "their worst nightmare!"  I think it only fair that they know what they have on their hands.  Well, nothing stopped this kiddo from full Apple enthusiasm.  Eventually, he told me that he and his partner were about to move to Kansas and he was so excited!!!  Really?!  Yes!  He actually said he was so excited to be moving to Kansas! By this point, we were best friends. I knew he knew he had sailed into safe harbor talking to me, but I also believed that talking to me was the sum total of his knowledge of what lay ahead. Yikes!  Should I tell him about Fred Phelps?   Should I tell him about Gov. Brownback and the legislature?  Should I tell him not to confuse "The Yellow Brick Road" with "The Rainbow Pride" flag?  I just listened to those beautiful plans of his, wished him and his partner all the very best, and never stopped thinking about him.  Please, let's keep a good thought that both he and his partner made a good transition, and more importantly, have remained healthy -- without the need for hospitalization.