Saturday, September 1, 2012

Grandmother Shtick!

  Here I am sitting in the car at a soccer practice field.  All the parents are at "Back To School Night."  I have 4 boys in my charge which includes my youngest Ks. grandson.  I have delivered them to the field at approx. 6:15, and will remain until approx. 8:00 p.m.  My home is too far away to make the trip in between times.  It is 95 degrees!  Yep!  I'm nuts, but I will do anything  ------ anything for my grandchildren, all 5 of them, and I'm delighted that they know it.

The news was on TV prior to our leaving for practice.  It was coverage of the Rep. Convention.  This grandson asked if I liked Ryan.  "No," I replied.  He was startled.  He asked about Romney.  "No," again.  He decided to get a little more detail here.  Dig a little deeper, so to speak. He was used to hearing all Romney - all the time at his heavily Republican school.  He asked his mom ---- still home at this point.  She gave a little more detail at this juncture about primaries and generals, but the final answer, "No," for Romney!  YIKES!  What about his very adored uncle whose opinion is  always highly valued?  "No."  Well, he was quite sure about his Dad, a Kansas business man who deals with solid Republicans all day every day.  He also was sure about his other grandparents, Republicans from the "old days" in Kansas.  (That talk will have to wait for later when Dad comes home.)  He will just have to deal with this mess of a family, which in many ways is quirky enough and contrary enough to be to his liking.  So, he  decided for now, he too would be for Obama.  (Did I mention that he is very bright, gifted really? We all knew that when he made his decision for Obama - right?)

Truth be told, I so adore these kiddos, it does't matter who they pull for.   At least they are in the game!