Monday, August 27, 2012

"This President!"

I would love to read the highly researched and, (surely very expensive,) instruction file for all the Republicans, in or out of office,  as to how and why they must refer to President Obama as "this president."  I'm sure it says, "Never ever say - President Obama, always say, "this president."

Frank Luntz is very highly regarded, and highly paid for his expertise, and talent in finding just the right word for every occasion.  It is most important to know what words or phrases, or titles, should or should not be used.  From this you can actually make a living ---- a very handsome living?  Who knew?  

The only down side of Mr. Luntz's particular talent is that pundits and humorists can easily construct collages showing clips of Republicans using the exact same word or phrase over and over again.  It is both funny and very, very unsettling. It would seem to diminish their point if seen anywhere but Fox.  

The thinking behind refusing to call Barack Obama, President Obama, and the determination to instead say "this president" is easily understood.  In my opinion it is ugly, but, I ask you why do you think it is of such great importance to this group of Republicans?  (Damn, Mr. Luntz!  That is one amazing job you have!  And one amazing toupee.)