Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Since our dear neighbor, Todd Akin is so clearly outrageous that words truly fail, one might ask, what else can be said that hasn't already been said?  Answer ------ really, not much!

Another subject that is for me equally shockingly painful comes under the heading of disenfranchisement. I never thought that part of history would, or could repeat  itself.  Do you really know how void of basic ethics and /or decency you have to be to cheat and trick people out of their civil rights?  Then, following such action, you take yourself off to your place of worship, hug and shake hands with your neighbors, and exchange expressions of good fellowship!  How in all the world does that work?  I believe Chris Hayes is correct when he says this disenfranchisement is profane. (click on purple hot link for more info about the American League Exchange Council, aka ALEC)