Saturday, August 11, 2012

Cape Cod

I just spent a most remarkable week in Cape Cod.  Wow!  You really get a sense of our great country and how and when it was forged.  If you are good at using your imagination along with the many books lying about you can travel back in time and get a feeling for our true history and values.  There is so much to learn or, perhaps relearn, about what happened in this extraordinary state, as well as this part of the country.  It is the essence of living history!  As you can tell, it was right up my alley, and I loved every second I was there.  One more example of "lucky me."

Here is an extra fun part ----- and it really was fun!!!! There was, I think, 12 of us in an old old Cape Cod house that had 9 bedrooms! No way!!!  Way!  The 12 consisted of my son-in-law's family ---- meaning, pure joy! The last evening was topped off with an old fashioned lobster boil --- a feast beyond description.  These will be memories to last forever as I return to the prairie and the recent shenanigans.

Cape Cod? Well, it was love at first sight.  All expectations and preconceptions were met. Now, I ask you, how many things in life reach that high standard?