Saturday, November 17, 2012

Privilege Of Age?

What is going on with John McCain?  One moment he is shredding a reporter  who is asking a fair question, the next moment he is smiling at an interviewer's questions regarding the outburst with the reporter.  "All charm."

I know Sen. McCain often becomes cranky and out of sorts.  He feels he has reached a particular stage in life when he no longer has to observe basic courtesy.  I think he believes he has earned a certain "privilege of age."  I have often thought there were other descriptions for that term ----"privilege of age," such as rudeness, thoughtlessness, considering yourself superior to others, or considering yourself smarter than others.  If that list is at all valid, then "privilege of age" is not so very charming is it?

Please, Sen. McCain might you consider for a brief moment that you are not in possession of all the facts - all of the time ....... that you could possibly learn from listening to others who are in possession of real facts not just opinions or conspiracy theories.  Might you not want to experience the respect or perhaps wisdom that comes with age as opposed to the privilege that comes with age?