Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Well done, a thousand times over!  So many victories were realized yesterday.  I am still cheering President Obama's wonderful victory, and once again, the incredible job done by his campaign organization. The voters too were amazing as they over came such unbelievable odds and obstacles to cast their votes in this election.  They honor us.  There were some great Senate wins, and the evening just kept getting better and better especially as we saw the wins for same sex marriage in Maryland, Washington State, & Maine.

Republicans ----- about that unproductive goal of making our President a "one term" President ----how did that work out for you?  I think we can agree that that kind of thinking helped no one, and the time has come to govern like adults, and for the good of the country,  ----- oddly, that will also prove to be good for your party, because what is good for the country can't help but be good for your party.  So consider the art of the compromise.  It is how governing is accomplished.

Two comments I heard last night, "President Obama maintained the dignity of the office."  "America won."