Thursday, March 14, 2013


I swore I wouldn't do another blog on the gun issue.  It is just that Kansas won't let go of that bone - so to speak, and now they are about to consider the merits of guns in schools.  You know, let teachers arm themselves to the teeth, and trust the fact that they know how to handle weapons while under stress, or even trust the fact that the person who trained them had a brain cell working and knew anything about protecting children during mayhem in a school setting.  High five, Kansas!  How does one get the attention of the gun crowd in Kansas?  The answer is to say, "The Second Amendment" as loudly as possible, followed by the old NRA cheer.  This is all old territory.  But, my god, "guns in schools" makes the following seem sane.......

Even though it might seem a tad silly, really it isn't any sillier than maintaing the belief that the Constitution should be interpreted exactly as it was written and ratified in the 1700s.  If that is your belief, (I'm looking at you Justice Scalia,) God Bless, but then you should advance that thinking by collecting all modern day armament and issuing each family a musket.  There!  Done!  If you don't believe 100% in"the musket theory" then you don't believe in the 2nd amendment as it was written and as Justice Scalia wants us to interpret the Constitution.  If it is not a living document, then we should break out the muskets.  Get rid of all the automatic killing machines.  Really, its not all bad, you know. This will keep the NRA perking right along with their real job --- fronting for the arms manufacturers.  Have you any idea how many muskets will have to be made? Win, win!