Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The World's Best Story, And It Comes From Kansas

If you want to cheer for the rest of the month about something from Kansas .......and, who doesn't? Follow the story on gawker.com by Sam Eifling.

Aaron Jackson, or, as I like to call him ------ OZ: THE GREAT AND POWERFUL ------ did the most wonderful thing.  He bought a house across the street from the hated Westboro Baptist Church  compound - yes, compound ---- their property is that big and is more than a church.  It covers a substantial amount of land. This would mean Mr. Jackson had a pretty good shot at finding a house for sale  across the street from the god awful place known as WBC, which without the "B" would be just what it is  ----- a "WC!"

Now the house has been painted the glorious, colors of the gay pride flag. Fred Phelps and his dreadful crew will be able to look upon this wonderful house forever more.

And here's a link to donate to support the powerful message of the "Equality House" on Aaron Jackson's website Planting Peace:


from the website: 

"For too long, the Westboro Baptist Church has been targeting the LGBTQ community with messages of hate and discrimination. Often, protesting American soldiers’ funerals and organizations that support equality. This faction preaches extremism in our communities and directly targets our youth. To combat their messages of hate and to support equality and anti-bullying initiatives in schools and in our community, Planting Peace has established the Equality House in Topeka, KS. 

Located directly across from the Westboro Baptist Church, the House is a symbol of equality, peace, and positive change. The house, which is painted the colors of the Pride flag, will serve as the resource center for all Planting Peace equality and anti-bullying initiatives and will stand as a visual reminder of our commitment, as global citizens, to equality for all. 

We invite you to support our movement and encourage you to donate today to these equality and anti-bullying initiatives. "