Monday, August 27, 2012

"This President!"

I would love to read the highly researched and, (surely very expensive,) instruction file for all the Republicans, in or out of office,  as to how and why they must refer to President Obama as "this president."  I'm sure it says, "Never ever say - President Obama, always say, "this president."

Frank Luntz is very highly regarded, and highly paid for his expertise, and talent in finding just the right word for every occasion.  It is most important to know what words or phrases, or titles, should or should not be used.  From this you can actually make a living ---- a very handsome living?  Who knew?  

The only down side of Mr. Luntz's particular talent is that pundits and humorists can easily construct collages showing clips of Republicans using the exact same word or phrase over and over again.  It is both funny and very, very unsettling. It would seem to diminish their point if seen anywhere but Fox.  

The thinking behind refusing to call Barack Obama, President Obama, and the determination to instead say "this president" is easily understood.  In my opinion it is ugly, but, I ask you why do you think it is of such great importance to this group of Republicans?  (Damn, Mr. Luntz!  That is one amazing job you have!  And one amazing toupee.)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Since our dear neighbor, Todd Akin is so clearly outrageous that words truly fail, one might ask, what else can be said that hasn't already been said?  Answer ------ really, not much!

Another subject that is for me equally shockingly painful comes under the heading of disenfranchisement. I never thought that part of history would, or could repeat  itself.  Do you really know how void of basic ethics and /or decency you have to be to cheat and trick people out of their civil rights?  Then, following such action, you take yourself off to your place of worship, hug and shake hands with your neighbors, and exchange expressions of good fellowship!  How in all the world does that work?  I believe Chris Hayes is correct when he says this disenfranchisement is profane. (click on purple hot link for more info about the American League Exchange Council, aka ALEC)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Things Are Hopping In The Bi-State Area

Aren't we just the busiest bi-state area of all?  First, we've got Todd Akin, Rep. from Mo. running for the Senate.  Todd doesn't have a clue about the seriousness of rape and it's life long consequences.  That horrific story takes care of the Mo. side of the state line.  Next we have the "holier-than-thou" Kevin Yoder, Rep. from Ks., who takes a phony-baloney trip to Israel  ---- has a few "pops," strips naked, and goes for a swim in The Sea Of Galilee.  Well, really!  NICE!  These are the guys that are going to tell us how we should lead our lives.  Yes, yes, do go on.  I'm with you so far.  What else should we know about "family values?"  The next few days should prove very interesting.  Remember, I said "should."  Mr. Yoder, I believe is running unopposed.  We'll see what happens with Mr. Akin.
 I would say come on out here one and all to the Land Of Enchantment, but that belongs to New Mexico. So just come on out to Kansas.  I think Mr. Yoder is mighty capable of showing you where the party will be!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Return To Reality!

Moderate Republicanism is now dead in Kansas.  While I was gone, Kansas had a primary election and we are now a state without any trace of moderate Republicans.  They were obliterated!  The money backing the extreme conservatives was, and is so massive that moderates really never had a chance.  The ground work for this blood bath was put in place many many years ago,  and it started at the state school board level.  It was put in place brick by brick, board by board - and now it is complete.   The only question is how will it turn out for the fortunes of Kansans and Kansas.
 You know, while this might seem to be the second state bought by the Koch brothers, it was always their very own personal state.  It was stamped "Koch Brothers" when they put Sam Brownback in the Senate, and next transferred him to the state house.  (All Sam had to do was change his stationery to reflect his new address.  He didn't really have to run much of a campaign.)
  There is a pretty mean spirit behind all of this ------ an "I'll show you, by God" sort of attitude --- and, I guess if one didn't already know,  we have been well and truly shown!
   Powerful people can be very scary.  Maybe we can take some solace in keeping in mind that there are always more "horses' rear-ends" than there are horses, and eventually that might prove to be problematic for the "rear-ends" now in power.  (Use your own word for "rear-ends.")

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Cape Cod

I just spent a most remarkable week in Cape Cod.  Wow!  You really get a sense of our great country and how and when it was forged.  If you are good at using your imagination along with the many books lying about you can travel back in time and get a feeling for our true history and values.  There is so much to learn or, perhaps relearn, about what happened in this extraordinary state, as well as this part of the country.  It is the essence of living history!  As you can tell, it was right up my alley, and I loved every second I was there.  One more example of "lucky me."

Here is an extra fun part ----- and it really was fun!!!! There was, I think, 12 of us in an old old Cape Cod house that had 9 bedrooms! No way!!!  Way!  The 12 consisted of my son-in-law's family ---- meaning, pure joy! The last evening was topped off with an old fashioned lobster boil --- a feast beyond description.  These will be memories to last forever as I return to the prairie and the recent shenanigans.

Cape Cod? Well, it was love at first sight.  All expectations and preconceptions were met. Now, I ask you, how many things in life reach that high standard?