Monday, August 20, 2012

Things Are Hopping In The Bi-State Area

Aren't we just the busiest bi-state area of all?  First, we've got Todd Akin, Rep. from Mo. running for the Senate.  Todd doesn't have a clue about the seriousness of rape and it's life long consequences.  That horrific story takes care of the Mo. side of the state line.  Next we have the "holier-than-thou" Kevin Yoder, Rep. from Ks., who takes a phony-baloney trip to Israel  ---- has a few "pops," strips naked, and goes for a swim in The Sea Of Galilee.  Well, really!  NICE!  These are the guys that are going to tell us how we should lead our lives.  Yes, yes, do go on.  I'm with you so far.  What else should we know about "family values?"  The next few days should prove very interesting.  Remember, I said "should."  Mr. Yoder, I believe is running unopposed.  We'll see what happens with Mr. Akin.
 I would say come on out here one and all to the Land Of Enchantment, but that belongs to New Mexico. So just come on out to Kansas.  I think Mr. Yoder is mighty capable of showing you where the party will be!