Sunday, August 12, 2012

Return To Reality!

Moderate Republicanism is now dead in Kansas.  While I was gone, Kansas had a primary election and we are now a state without any trace of moderate Republicans.  They were obliterated!  The money backing the extreme conservatives was, and is so massive that moderates really never had a chance.  The ground work for this blood bath was put in place many many years ago,  and it started at the state school board level.  It was put in place brick by brick, board by board - and now it is complete.   The only question is how will it turn out for the fortunes of Kansans and Kansas.
 You know, while this might seem to be the second state bought by the Koch brothers, it was always their very own personal state.  It was stamped "Koch Brothers" when they put Sam Brownback in the Senate, and next transferred him to the state house.  (All Sam had to do was change his stationery to reflect his new address.  He didn't really have to run much of a campaign.)
  There is a pretty mean spirit behind all of this ------ an "I'll show you, by God" sort of attitude --- and, I guess if one didn't already know,  we have been well and truly shown!
   Powerful people can be very scary.  Maybe we can take some solace in keeping in mind that there are always more "horses' rear-ends" than there are horses, and eventually that might prove to be problematic for the "rear-ends" now in power.  (Use your own word for "rear-ends.")