Saturday, March 9, 2013

It Was A Movie For God's Sakes!

Just to get things started, we must keep in mind that when Jimmy Stewart needed to relieve himself he simply left the set and ---- did so.   He probably had his make - up touched up and then it was, "roll cameras," or what ever they say.   I start with that observation just to keep things in perspective.  Yes, there is something to be admired if someone tries to filibuster in the way the system was devised.  It is basically an attention grabber.  Rand,  it can be said of you without fear of contradiction, you are an "ace # 1" attention grabber.  Let us proceed.

I think the filibuster must be a young person's game - judging purely by bladder control abilities. Many people would be ruled out just on that "talent" alone.  (Strom Thurmond who was born old must have somehow rigged the system.  I don't want to speculate.  It just seems like something Strom would do in oh so many ways!)

Now if you give due credit for standing and rambling for 12 - 13 hours to a person who has been rambling on for all his young life  - well then - high five Sen. Paul.  Also, if you want to credit him with resurrecting the intended way to filibuster - showing off to his colleagues how to get attention for spewing cr-p for hours on end, then accolades again to Sen. Paul.  I just want to stop here and make reference to my title --- that performance by Mr. Jimmy Stewart was just for a movie for god's sakes. It was a MOVIE ---- which might be why the Mr. Smith character made far more sense, and was far more noble than Rand Paul.

What was young Paul raving about? It seems he wanted an answer to a question that had already been answered - so he rephrased the question, or asked a "newish" but kinda of same question adding a word or two ----- oh lord,  he just wanted a venue to carry on about some of the most insane things that have ever been put in to the Congressional Record.  It was an homage to the Black Helicopter crowd, and of course, Hitler made a cameo appearance --- all of which was set in every  terror inducing scenario that has ever crossed a fifth grader's mind.  Sen. Paul  does not deal in facts.  His world of fantasy is very rich indeed, and I believe it is good that he came forward so that we now know that we should keep a close eye on him.

Remember back when we discussed the image of Alice's Unbirthday Party as an image for The Tea Party?  While Sen. Paul says he is not a Tea Partier, he could certainly sit comfortably at Alice's crazy table waiting for Hollywood to call for the remake -----------