Tuesday, February 26, 2013


For the second time in a week we are snowbound - homebound!  This time the snow is very wet and heavy - the kind that is perfect for building snow people, forts, and bringing down power lines.  We wait and hope that the power stays on.  We are spoiled.  The drifts are too high for a very short "lady of age" to traverse, so getting to the mailbox is tricky.  Plucky me - I press forward only to discover the mail was not delivered!!!  Very funny!

Irony abounds.  I had been traveling and just returned to Kansas from California just exactly in time for the first blizzard.  In fact I was one of the last flights to make it in to KCI before KCI was closed for the first storm. Being stranded in air terminals does not suit me - thus my motto holds: "Lucky Is Me!"  (My CA. relatives make frequent calls to check up on my situation - appalled that I left their perfect surroundings.) "There's No Place Like Home."  REALLY?

The farmers are happy.  Any moisture is welcome during our great drought. You all will be happy to know that means less money that our KS. legislators will be requesting from the rest of you for farm aid.  Now, you recall our fine legislators - each and every one - voted AGAINST helping those in desperate need after a storm named "Sandy."  Check the list, my darlings. They are also the same champion team that treated Bob Dole like dirt, and tripped over each other racing off to their houses of worship to prove their "holier than thou" credentials before they returned to state houses and Washington to cut funds for children, the elderly, education, and health care.  But ------- DO NOT FORGET THAT WHEN IT COMES TO THE DROUGHT AND "THE FARMLAND'S" VERY REAL NEEDS - it TRULY is a DISASTER!  It just happens to be "OUR" disaster.  LET IT SNOW!