Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Attending The State Of the Union?

Just today the news reported that several congressmen were proudly announcing that they were not going to attend The State Of the Union Address.  Here we go again!  The great challenge to our nation's  maturity. Do you have to get to be my age to understand the magnitude of these "fine" decisions not to attend a State Of The Union Address? I'm assuming that there is no one to advise such congress people as to how this "grand gesture" comes across to a great portion of the electorate.  But returning  to the word "maturity" ----- somewhere along about the 15th or 16th year of life I'm guessing that the process of maturing for these people stopped dead!  Even though they now have the bodies of full grown adults, they state that they plan to sit in their offices and tweet!  By golly, that will surely show our President!  WELL DONE!

Do these fine leaders advise their own children to act in such a manner?  How would that go?  "Do not show good sportsmanship, youngster.  Sulk at home and do nothing to help your school or team. Better yet, make a show of staying at home."  Ahhh perfect!

Seeing how you can show disrespect to the President ------ it never gets old.