Monday, January 28, 2013

The Heart Assoc. Tried To Guilt Me!!

Has this ever happened to you? I swear, The Heart Assoc. just tried to "guilt" me into accepting their neighborhood canvasing packet. You know the one.  It holds all the materials needed to cover your neighborhood - mail envelopes to neighbors asking for their contributions,  use of money is explained, a list of the amount of donations is made, receipts and stickers are given, and you are required to tally and return everything to The Heart Assoc. etc., etc..

One year I agreed to do my part. I gladly did what was asked to represent my neighborhood.  Since that time, I have received an annual call asking me to "work the neighborhood" again. I usually reply that it is the turn of another neighbor, and I go on to explain that I work with other groups, which is quite true.  THIS YEAR I DID NOT RECEIVE A CALL.  So what happened?  They just went ahead and sent the packet without my consent.  The front of that packet was covered with print remarking on my thoughtfulness for "agreeing  to help The Heart Assoc."  HOLD ON THERE!  JUST A DAMN MINUTE!  I DID NOT AGREE TO ANYTHING!  I DIDN'T EVEN GET A CALL!

I asked around and found out that others had had the same experience. Yes, I do feel "guilty" to say that I returned the packet unopened.  I noted on the front the following: Return to sender - I did not agree to receive this!"  I suppose some of the other victims went ahead and answered the call. I didn't ask them how they handled it because I didn't want to know just how terrible I was!  A few, though, offered the information that they had returned their packets and made a mental note to no longer donate to The Heart Assoc.!

 No one said they put the packet in the trash. So that is a good thing, but my final thought is  ---- who is this person that thinks this is a proper way to reach someones's heart while attempting to save people's hearts?