Wednesday, January 9, 2013

"What Did You Do In The War, Daddy?"

Aw, I'm just borrowing the name of an old Blake Edwards film circa 1966.  A WWII comedy of bumbling and mishaps. One of the best parts for today's purposes is the title.  I am "lifting" the title and changing it to, "What Did You Do During The 112th Congress Daddy or Mommy?"

Just imagine the conversations "The 112th" folks can have with their children or grandchildren.  The kiddos might ask, "Just exactly what did you do while serving in Congress?  What did you accomplish?"  The proud members of The 112th can now proudly answer, "Well we blocked the first African - American President at every turn.  Yep, we did our best to keep him from being successful at attaching his name to any legislation that would end well for this country.  Darned if he didn't get health care through - after a fashion, and despite us, and boy howdy, did he shock the hell out of us by getting re-elected!  We did our level best to make his presidency a failure --- but ----"  "NO, NO  NO," says the the inquisitive child.  "What did you do for the country?" "The 112th" answers, "NOTHING, my child. We did nothing for the country."  Working  for the country was not one of our dedicated goals, and there is no guarantee that that it is a goal of "The 113th."

"We" fulfilled our goal right up until the very end when it all went so very wrong, and President Obama soundly won re-election.  "The 113th" has only barely started their journey into history.  Will they be able to understand that "What They Do During The War," is only a matter of honor if their goal is to build and strengthen --- not destroy our country?  Can "The 113th"make that distinction?  Do they want to  make that distinction?  I hope they don't ultimately decide to bumble their way through mishap after mishap.  Real life is not a Blake Edwards' comedy.