Wednesday, January 16, 2013

You MUST Meet The Newest Kansas Star!

Meet Tim Huelskamp!  Kansas, First District - Dodge City!  Calling card:  Against decency on the most basic levels.
1.) He thought people politicized the tragedy "so quickly."  That would be his thinking about 20 children being gunned down..  Tim says, "It is not a gun problem."
2.) Tim attempted to head up that coup against Speaker Boehner.  (Just so you see how far to the right he is.)
3.)  Ah, now we get to the core of Mr. Tim Huelskamp.  He accepted lots and lots of federal aid for Kansas tornado disaster needs while saying NO to Hurricane Sandy victims.  You got it!  This guy is one of the ring leaders of that crowd.
4.) Tim's family has accepted millions in farm subsidies, even though our Tim himself is not actually a farmer.  He has scammed the system for federal money to the tune of hundreds of millions.  In fact, if you research this professional scammer in the world of farm lobbying and pay offs ---- not to mention where all his campaign finances come from, you will see this guy actually "wrote the proverbial book!"  You have to know how to put things in your parent's names as well as other family members so it doesn't look quite so filthy.  Then, you can stand in judgement, and make other people's lives hell!
5.)This man, along with all the other Representatives from Kansas voted NO on the Sandy relief package.  (They  did like an "off-sets package" that oddly wasn't a condition to all that aid that came to tornado damaged Kansas.)
6.)  We may look like rural rubes 'just a settin out here on the farm,' but you city folk should be aware, and be afraid.  Be very afraid! Even though Speaker Boehner  stripped our ambitious little Tim of a committee leadership position, the "Timster" is a vengeful man.  He and his family have amassed a fortune, and they are deep into the Kansas political culture.  He will count on your taking him for just another right winger from a red state, while he further enriches himself and hopes you don't notice that  ---- the hawk is circling in that clear cloudless Kansas sky..... just above you!