Monday, December 31, 2012

What's In A Name? "The Tea Party!"

Forgive the prairie expression - but I'm sure "this is ground that has already been plowed!"  And yet, the Tea Party??  Why are we still taking these people so seriously?  Why are they so powerful?  My God, they are certainly not statesmen.  They do not know what it is to be statesmen, and if they were enlightened on the subject, their first and only response would be a "no" much as a child says "no" - foot stomping and all.

Actually, the first thing that comes to mind when I hear the term "tea party" is a juvenile gathering.  I think of this as a group who plays at being grown up ---- a group, that much as children often do - will refuse to continue to play if you don't play their way.

It boarders on tragic that adults chose to dress up in tri-cornered hats or hats decorated with tea bags, and thus adorned proudly dictated terms for governing.  Equally horrific was the fact that people who knew better, (after the "dress up ceased,") elected these goofs to go off to Washington, and thus put an end to "statesmanship."

Again, my imagination will not rest whenever I hear that damnable term "Tea Party."  I not only think of guests in the nursery, but I always think of the guests at the tea party in Alice In Wonderland. You remember.  The "Unbirthday Party."  My what fine  attendees there were.  High on the list was The Mad Hatter and The March Hare.  I can't get them out of my mind.  The fact that the Tea Party is taken seriously absolutely makes one feel that we have truly fallen down the rabbit hole. It is all madness.

I'm waiting through the next few hours to see how "the fiscal cliff/ rabbit hole" is or is not resolved.  Why is any part of the negotiations being done with those who demand that we consider the dictates of the "child - like politicians" of a Tea Party?   As for the cliff - "No time to say, hello, goodbye, we're late, we're late, we're late!"