Saturday, December 15, 2012


And this IS  the time for the talk about gun control.  It is ALWAYS the time to talk about gun control. To say otherwise is infantile.  Good Lord, even a significant number of NRA members know there should be gun control. Only the gun lobby for the manufactures, and people who don't understand the 2nd amendment, and the mentally insecure - who see themselves as less than others, and yes, I will go there, need a gun to feel more "enhanced," these people will not tolerate a gun control discussion.

Some people today ask, "Who could fathom such a thing happening?" I could.  What is the purpose of having a gun that is not made for the sport of hunting?  Right!  To kill people!  Now that wasn't hard.  You kill people with guns.  There are no erasers on the end of guns!!!!!!!  If you get it wrong, you can't say oops!  A person who struggles with sanity should not be able to struggle with guns.  Children should not be able to accidentally  find guns laying around. Suicidal people should not have easy access to guns.  Guns that were meant for war turn out to be guns that are meant for "showing off," and finally guns that were meant to protect innocent people -----kill innocent people

"Guns don't kill people, people kill people!"  That is is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard.  People without guns cannot shoot people, and the subject today is "shooting" people -- shooting many people in rapid succession.  Guns do that.  You can't point your finger and get that done.  Just to belabor the point, it is very hard --- no damned impossible to shoot someone while in the throes of madness if you do not have a gun.

 Part  II

Because I am pro gun control, I have a difficult time with the likes of  Wayne LaPierre, so I dedicate the following to him.  Does he ever realize what he has created?  Can money buy empathy?  Can money calm fear?  Everybody has a story, and here is mine.  It is not news that my husband and I owned a pharmacy, and I was always in fear that I would get a call from the KCPD that my husband and /or a child had been shot in a hold up at the store.  When we finally closed the doors of that pharmacy, I was so relieved that we had beaten the odds , and had only been robbed at gun point in all those years - not shot dead.  My family, I thought, had survived the gun culture.

Now today, guess what?  I have acquired a new fear, and a very real fear at that!  My daughter, the teacher, is responsible for not only her own life, but also, the very precious lives of each and every second grader in her care.  I never foresaw this unbelievable danger.   From the pharmacy to the second grade classroom we must stand up and have that gun control discussion RIGHT NOW!