Thursday, December 13, 2012

Life's Calling - Sam Brownback

Yes, you know the drill.  We have this governor in Kansas - of course you know him  -  Sam Brownback, and he seems to be in a bit of a quandary.  You see, he lurks about in two distinct worlds.  One world attempts to govern the state of Kansas.  Things are not going well for the majority of citizens as Sam was not completely open about his goals for the state during his campaign.  He left a few things out, and so as a result, many Kansans are stunned at what is happening to the state budget's priorities.  If you can imagine the state as a car's interior, then the following list would be jammed into the back seat: schools, special needs students, veterans,  battered women's  programs,  programs for the elderly.  YOU GET THE IDEA.  ANYTHING THAT IS NOT CONNECTED TO THE KOCH INDUSTRIES.  So that completes one of Sam's worlds.

Sam's other world is that of religious leader.  (You will have to overlook the irony considering the programs he chooses to cut.)   In my opinion,  it is very very wrong for a sitting governor to become an active part of a religious revival event.  (In this case, the event was a rally organized by a group named ReignDown USA.) To quote Barb Shelly of The Kansas City Star,  "Constitutional, yes, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback crossed no church-state separation lines when he endorsed and then spoke at a large religious revival event in Topeka.  Inclusive, no, Brownback's 10-minute talk at the rally was heavily evangelical affiliated with some of the most intolerant figures in the evangelical Christian community."  Nice!  You see my point?  Sam seems to want to be an Evangelical speaker or maybe even a preacher. (Please recall Rick Perry's send-off in Texas with Gov. Brownback by his side.) He certainly is well informed with a wide background of various church memberships. (You can look those up.)  He has had an interesting religious journey.  I'm certainly no judge, but he is clearly not all inclusive. Well, who among is, after holding forth at a revival meeting?  (It tends to get the juices flowing!)

If Sam Brownback is going to be making decisions that will include my family's welfare, I would prefer that he hold off on playing the Burt Lancaster role in "Elmer Gantry," and stay out of the revivalist's tent until his term is completed.