Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Decency Was Lost For One Of Our Own

BOB DOLE - While I didn't agree with him politically, decency dictated that you had to give him his due for his service to our country. Right?  Well no, not if you were the Republican senators yesterday.

Let me see if I've got this right.  A group of "tea partyish Republicans" have said NO NO NO to extending disability rights worldwide.  In short, a debate of sorts took place on the Senate floor regarding a United Nations treaty, (put forth originally by a Republican  President.)  This treaty, signed by all other nations, addresses the rights of the disabled --- easy enough!  Who in "all the world" ---- literally, --- " all the world" would vote against that  treaty????  Answer, Republicans would vote against that treaty!

In particular, my state's senators walked right up to Bob Dole (R. KS.) attending this session in his wheelchair -- frail and sick.  These sterling senators from The Sunflower State said, in essence,  "Not today, Bob!  No "Profiles In Courage" from the two of us --- Pat Roberts, and Jerry Moran.  We would
rather go forward in this shameful manner that we have chosen, --- leaving this shameful legacy minus any sign of nobility, in order that we not spill a drop of tea!

I would like to know, to whom are these men answering?  Their constituents?  Surely not!  (Even Kansans cringe.)  Their church?  Oh please, what does the bible say about helping those who are disabled?  The Tea Party?  Getting warmer!  The conspiracists who believe in those  "black helicopters" and are apparently cowed by the home schooling lobby?"  Warmer still!  Decency?  Ice cold!  Legacy?  SHAMBLES!

Thank you Sen Dole for your service.  As before, I did not agree at all with your politics, but I always honored your service.  I will never forget your shaking our hands, at the Overland Park parades --- pen tactfully tucked in your wounded fist to keep us from reaching for that hand to shake.  Our family, Democrats all ------ we remember!  Sir, you would have had our vote yesterday.