Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Definition Of Gun: Obscene!

There was a newspaper article not so very long ago regarding a police officer confronting and killing a gunman.  Unfortunately, the well trained officer also hit four bystanders.  Now, let's go back to Wayne LaPierre's remedy of arming guards and teachers in schools.  Consider that a crazed gunman doesn't have to be accurate ever, at all, while the teacher or guard can never be less than accurate - EVERY SINGLE TIME!  Teachers come in all sizes and strengths - a problem that even a first grader can identify.  So, Wayne, perhaps you too can see the idiocy of the teacher part of your proposal as some teachers couldn't manage to handle high powered weapons, or really any weapons. As for your armed guard solution, well, "my personal teacher" explained the lay out of her school.  If one or even two guards could possibly cover the multiple levels and doors in a matter of seconds -"super powers I tells ya," would be needed!  NOT REASONABLE!

Now we come to the not at all small problem of "instant accuracy," and also, the hope of no hostage taking which is often brought on by confrontation.  Sooo, do go on, Wayne.  Maybe it's not your kiddos who are involved here, and so you can just depend on some long retired guard's marksmanship. I, for one, wouldn't depend on that skill for a second which is all it would take for a bystander to get hit.

Wayne, buddy, ole pal. Your ideas on gun safety might not be so great, but boy, can you sell guns!  You have managed to take what was once a benign sports association and turn it into a deadly, and highly profitable operation that pedals death and destruction to easily scared people. People who truly do not understand Amendment II of The Constitution of the USA.  You scam those people real well --- you know the ones ---- the people who tend toward bigotry and those who can easily be deceived into thinking that they need guns for every one of their fingers and toes.  But, Wayne, you've heard this all before.  Actually, it seems a point of pride to you.  I'll bet you could sell guns to Quakers. You are quite the guy.  When the market gets saturated with semi-automatics, you get out those fully automatic machine guns.  I'm sure they are so "FUN" they will sell themselves.

I don't want my daughter, the teacher, carrying a gun.  I doubt she could even lift that Carbon 15 Bushmaster thing.  Also, I've met a gracious plenty retired school guards.....NOPE, not a good idea. Wayne, think of it this way ------- "Bad Guys," or "Good Guys,"  ---- if there are no guns, everybody lives.