Friday, December 14, 2012

Antonin Scalia - A Bully!

Justice Scalia thinks he is funny, amusing, a wit of the highest order.  He was quite cavalier regarding his latest remark comparing laws against "equal marriage rights" to laws against "murder."  Are you laughing yet?  Well, instead of rolling about in laughter, I looked up the word bully.  My handy dandy dictionary -- Merriam-Webster tells me that a bully is a "blustering, browbeating person; especially: one habitually cruel to others who are weaker."  (In this case, I would take weaker to mean blocked from their civil rights, or the same rights our bully Scalia enjoys.)

It just does not seem possible that a man with a heart so hate filled and so homophobic in his feelings, will be able to argue the merits of the two cases on the docket in the coming session.  How can he pass judgement on that which he has already so clearly reached an opinion?

Would that Justice Scalia could - in this stage of his life - be denied a host of civil rights basic to his everyday existence.  I believe the "twinkle in his eye," would be quickly extinguished and replaced, by fear, anger, depression.....but no, not laughter.  Sadly, such people, never really know how pathetic they are.  The marriage equals murder remark was simply not funny, and the last one to know that fact is the "bully!"  

And yet, look what the bully had to say in the Supreme Court's decision to keep violent video games in the hands of California gamers based on the First Amendment...  hmmmm.... a bully AND a hypocrite!