Wednesday, February 6, 2013

How About Those Boy Scouts?

In the last blog we were talking about maturity, or the lack thereof.  Enter stage right, The Boy Scouts Of America and today's "charming" decision that underscores their bigotry. If you have to put off making an obvious decision to do the right thing, you are then fully entertaining the thought of NOT doing the right thing.  You are not invested in getting rid of discrimination, and you want to give the bigots more time to organize.  It is that simple.  Bigotry almost slipped away when the polling numbers showed more people were in favor of stopping the discrimination.  I guess more people actually said yes to those "scouting values," and that scared the stuffing out of the haters.  "We need more time to organize," screamed those same haters - lacking in maturity, and fearful that they may actually be held to The Boy Scout Oath.  Well, the bigots won their delay, and The Boy Scouts do not seem very brave!