Thursday, October 18, 2012

"Please Proceed!"

I think we all can agree that M. Romney is remarkably enthralled, delighted, thrilled, in love, pleased, yes, enchanted with himself, but could he not have sensed that the words, "please proceed," as stated by President Obama were virtually interchangeable with the word S T O P as it appears on a big red traffic sign?  During the past Tues. evening's debate,  M. Romney was blinded by his own magnificence. He was not only buoyed by his sheer grand existence, but he had finally exhibited for all to see the fact that he has no respect for the office of The President of the United States. I think he told the president that he, (the President,) would get his turn. It is to be understood, after all, that the grand M. Romney must finish explaining his newest position on any question being asked. Bring forth the mirrors, and by all means, "PLEASE PROCEED!"

"It is a truly debilitating condition that I have battled all my life.” – Mitt Romney

Tearful Mitt Romney Announces He Has Rare Disease Where You Can't Sit Quietly On Stool When  Repeatedly Asked To.