Sunday, October 14, 2012

Really? No One Dies From Lack Of Health Insurance?

Well, as you might know,  we are in my territory now, so with the enormous help of Ms. Barbara Shelly, a columnist with the Kansas City Star, I am going to put forth a fact I have been trying to make, and she did make in her Oct. 12th column, about Romney's perception of how health insurance works.

Romney was quoted as saying, "We don't have a setting across this country where if you don't have insurance, we just say to you, 'Tough luck' you're going to die when you have your heart attack,'" he said.

"No you go to the hospital, you get treated, you get care, and it's paid for, either by charity, the government, or by the hospital. We don't have people that become ill, who die in their apartment because they don't have insurance."  MY GOD, IS HE WRONG!  As Ms. Shelly points out, and I have been muttering about -------- PEOPLE DO DIE FROM LACK OF INSURANCE!

Romney's moronic statement makes me believe he didn't have anything to do with writing or reading the Mass. health reform bill when he was governor.

When people don't have insurance, there is no preventive care.   When a person  reaches  a state of catastrophe and has to go to the emergency room, they are rarely among the survivors. At least that is what the statistics show.  If you do recover sufficiently to be discharged, well, just try to pay the bill, or pay for your meds that you will be needing, or pay for follow up treatment of any kind.  So the next
question is ----- why did Governor Mitt put together such a plan if all you have to do is wait until you are on the brink of death,  and someone finds you in time for the emergency room doc to actually save you.  (Not great odds!!!)

Most, or all, of what Mitt Romney says about health care is based on the premise that everyone listening to him is just plain stupid.  He believes that either he is sooo smart, or we are sooo dumb, that he doesn't have to bother with facts.  Pretty darned insulting.