Thursday, November 29, 2012
In All Fairness
While reading Steve Rose's column in The Kansas City Star Opinion page today, (yes, he now writes for The Star, ) I was brought back to the subject of our Kevin Yoder. This is huge. According to Mr. Rose, Mr. Yoder did not, I repeat did not sign that Grover Norquist pledge. WOW! Further, Mr. Yoder said he would agree to the proposed tax increases to get a deal NOW! Of course, there are details --- always are ----- but, an exact quote is "The moment appears to be now," said Yoder. Well, hey there Kansas voters ---- with all the other things we know about Mr. Yoder, The Sea Of Galilee, huge campaign signs as big as starter homes, it is, that we should also know Kevin is free of the dangerously goofy Grover, and that, in my book, is worth noting. So noted.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Dear Gov. Brownback,
Yep, time for a letter to "you know who."
Dear Sam,
I'm going to get right down to business on this subject so I have, for the present, dispensed with the formalities. Why can't the disadvantaged, the working poor, the average citizen, the middle income wage earner -- all of these -- have the opportunity to experience "affordable health care?" It seems you made sure Kansas topped the list of states that would be saying, "Hell No," to opting in to the plan. The hospitals don't want you to turn the money down, and it is downright unkind to keep those in need from medicaid assistance, so exactly how do the citizens of Kansas benefit while you "stick it to President Obama" in this infantile gesture?
Now that the election is over, are we still in the "getting even mode?" Really Governor? I know the Kochs are furious that they didn't get what they paid for. But, they still have YOU, and that is quite a lot. Actually it is an entire state, and Sam, you are truly Aces!
There are wonderful Sunflower State folks who are in need of affordable health care, and were looking forward to becoming eligible for the program. Their basic needs in this very life that you so cherish are just as real as yours, and I am more than certain that YOU, SAM BROWNBACK, HAVE VERY FINE HEALTH CARE. Gosh, I watched you stand right beside Texas Gov. Rick Perry when that Gov. held a rousing bible rally to kick off his presidential campaign. There must be something in the bible about caring for those in need.
Sam, here is a question or thought -----Do you think you might allow for affordable health care in Kansas if the program was offered by a shiny Republican? How about this ------ how about regarding the citizens of Kansas as people much like yourself, and not as means to promoting your political career as paid for by the Kochs. If you were to do this one thing ------ think of us as people ------ "you might just get what you need" ----- and so will we.
As always, Emma
(image from poster by Dave Lowenstein. Read about poster being removed/censored in Topeka cafe)
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Privilege Of Age?
What is going on with John McCain? One moment he is shredding a reporter who is asking a fair question, the next moment he is smiling at an interviewer's questions regarding the outburst with the reporter. "All charm."
I know Sen. McCain often becomes cranky and out of sorts. He feels he has reached a particular stage in life when he no longer has to observe basic courtesy. I think he believes he has earned a certain "privilege of age." I have often thought there were other descriptions for that term ----"privilege of age," such as rudeness, thoughtlessness, considering yourself superior to others, or considering yourself smarter than others. If that list is at all valid, then "privilege of age" is not so very charming is it?
Please, Sen. McCain might you consider for a brief moment that you are not in possession of all the facts - all of the time ....... that you could possibly learn from listening to others who are in possession of real facts not just opinions or conspiracy theories. Might you not want to experience the respect or perhaps wisdom that comes with age as opposed to the privilege that comes with age?
Time has gone by since the election day, and we see how incredibly fortunate we are that the final result did not bring us Pres. Mitt Romney! In these past days, Mr. Romney has proven to be amazingly childish, petty, and unable to publicly control his bitterness. He is no statesman. While life may have left him hugely unprepared for major disappointment, he does seem to have developed a rather well defined capacity for verbal revenge. The world is moving on at lightening speed, and if Mitt Romney can't find a way to stop blaming others for his own failings ---- and fast --- he will discover that he has become no more than a footnote to a truly remarkable time in our history. Mitt Romney? SEE FOOTNOTE !
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Random Thoughts
I think the definition of shame should be simply the names - John Boehner, and Mitch McConnell. Why? How can you not take a call from the President Of the United States on election night? "Sleeping?" My tush!!! Of course these men are still awake and taking all kinds of calls from shocked Republican men. (What Republican women feel they have permission to call?) On so many levels, their refusal to speak to President Obama is downright shocking. It is disrespectful, and meant to be. We have in these two men of Congress, two men of absolutely no dignity. They do us no honor, nor do they honor the offices they hold. They truly own their shame. What are the odds that both men are equally so rude? If you must retire to your bed, do you not leave orders to be awakened in the likely event that the President Of The United States will call? Would you not want to pay your respects to this man, and the office? What is the message that Mr. Boehner and Mr. McConnell seek to send? We are left to come to our own ugly conclusions -- right?
A thought for our dear Gov. Brownback: Now that you see what happens when you seek to leave people you don't approve of out of the voting process, (when you were one of the very first states to build that "band wagon,") how about building a new "band wagon" dedicated to making it easier for your citizens to vote? You might get famous for that? COOL! For once let's be on the side of the angels. Oh, never mind! Well, at least you can't say I didn't give you a good laugh!!!!!
Regarding Gov. Romney ------ Perhaps he wasn't such a great business man after all. I'm told great business men know what their competition is doing. They always have a firm grasp on the numbers. This man didn't have a clue, and as a result, we truly dodged a bullet!
Not a bad quote by Henry Wiencek : "If you claim to have principles, you must live by them!"
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Well done, a thousand times over! So many victories were realized yesterday. I am still cheering President Obama's wonderful victory, and once again, the incredible job done by his campaign organization. The voters too were amazing as they over came such unbelievable odds and obstacles to cast their votes in this election. They honor us. There were some great Senate wins, and the evening just kept getting better and better especially as we saw the wins for same sex marriage in Maryland, Washington State, & Maine.
Republicans ----- about that unproductive goal of making our President a "one term" President ----how did that work out for you? I think we can agree that that kind of thinking helped no one, and the time has come to govern like adults, and for the good of the country, ----- oddly, that will also prove to be good for your party, because what is good for the country can't help but be good for your party. So consider the art of the compromise. It is how governing is accomplished.
Two comments I heard last night, "President Obama maintained the dignity of the office." "America won."
Monday, November 5, 2012
Why I Vote
President Obama took the time to write back to a 10 year old girl who has been teased in school for having two dads. The letter is below:

This is the sweetest letter ever! I think I just may frame it. I am so filled with emotion when I read and reread this. It is not just a letter. It is not just a response. It is a "hug"... It is a "gift... to those of us who love so deeply!! Like I said months ago on this blog, does one expect a gold medal for doing the right thing? Well, yes, by gawd, YES! (And also my vote.)
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Biblical Values?
Opened today's paper to a full page portrait of Billy Graham urging us to vote "Biblical Values" on the 6th. Who knew "lying" was a biblical value? I'm nauseated.
Perhaps the money spent to buy these ads could have been better used for the biblical value of charity to help those suffering from Hurricane Sandy? Imagine how much more inspiring it would have been to wake up this Sunday morning to the Reverend Graham urging readers to put aside their political differences and reach out to help their fellow Americans in this time of great need. Or maybe Reverend Graham could have just donated the money to buy those ads directly to the American Red Cross.
To donate to the American Red Cross Hurricane Relief fund, click here.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
The Liar
If Mitt Romney were to win, one thing is very certain. He will lie to us about anything that suits him or suits his purposes. How does such a person come to be?
When you have built your entire campaign --- several campaigns ---- on "the lie" how do you ever get your integrity back? Who will ever believe you again if you attain the office of President Of the United States? Of course, this time, the one of many and latest lies was about Jeep, along with the auto bailout. He frightened so many honest Americans for his purposes. But, the entire list of lies encompasses every topic mentioned in the campaign.
Who is this man who says he is informed by his faith, yet doesn't hesitate to lie, to mislead. He forgets the consequences, scares good people, takes "what must - must be rightfully his, and lets those who are trusting or gullible suffer in fear? Is it because he is white? Is it because he is rich? Is it because he says he is a business man, although many do not understand the true nature of his "business?"
What truly informs Romney is that it is quite alright to lie to people he does not personally know. Are such people not worthy of kindness and truth? Clearly not in Romney's cynical world. In Romney's "special" world, it is permissible to lie. He has left some families scared to death with that Jeep ad. They thought they were going to lose their jobs. That is cruel! Who would want this man at the helm? In "Romney World"to lie is to govern. I repeat ----- CRUEL!
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