Saturday, November 10, 2012

Random Thoughts

I think the definition of shame should be simply the names - John Boehner, and Mitch McConnell.  Why?  How can you not take a call from the President Of the United States on election night?  "Sleeping?" My tush!!!  Of course these men are still awake and taking all kinds of calls from  shocked Republican men. (What  Republican women feel they have permission to call?)  On so many levels, their refusal to speak to President Obama is downright shocking.  It is disrespectful, and meant to be.  We have in these two men of Congress, two men of absolutely no dignity.  They do us no honor, nor do they honor the offices they hold.  They truly own their shame.  What are the odds that both men are equally so rude?  If you must retire to your bed, do you not leave orders to be awakened in the likely event that the President Of The United States will call?  Would you not want to pay your respects to this man, and the office?  What is the message that Mr. Boehner and Mr. McConnell seek to send?  We are left to come to our own ugly conclusions  -- right?

A thought for our dear Gov. Brownback:  Now that you see what happens when you seek to leave people you don't approve of out of the voting process, (when you were one of the very first states to build that "band wagon,")  how about building a new "band wagon" dedicated to making it easier for your citizens to vote?  You might get famous for that?  COOL!  For once let's be on the side of the angels.  Oh, never mind!  Well, at least you can't say I didn't give you a good laugh!!!!!

Regarding Gov. Romney ------ Perhaps he wasn't such a great business man after all.  I'm told great business men know what their competition is doing.  They always have a firm grasp on the numbers.  This man didn't have a clue, and as a result, we truly dodged a bullet!

Not a bad quote by Henry Wiencek :  "If you claim to have principles, you must live by them!"