Saturday, November 24, 2012

Dear Gov. Brownback,

Yep, time for a letter to "you know who."

Dear Sam,
         I'm going to get right down to business on this subject so I have, for the present, dispensed with the formalities.  Why can't the disadvantaged, the working poor, the average citizen, the middle income wage earner -- all of these --  have the opportunity to experience "affordable health care?"  It seems you made sure Kansas topped the list of states that would be saying, "Hell No," to opting in to the plan.  The hospitals don't want you to turn the money down, and it is downright unkind to keep those in need from medicaid assistance, so exactly how do the citizens of Kansas benefit while you "stick it to President Obama" in this infantile gesture?

Now that the election is over, are we still in the "getting even mode?"  Really Governor?  I know the Kochs are furious that they didn't get what they paid for. But, they still have YOU, and that is quite a lot.  Actually it is an entire state, and Sam, you are truly Aces!

There are wonderful Sunflower State folks who are in need of affordable health care, and were looking forward to becoming eligible for the program.  Their basic needs in this very life that you so cherish are just as real as yours, and I am more than certain that YOU, SAM BROWNBACK, HAVE VERY FINE HEALTH CARE.  Gosh, I watched you stand right beside Texas Gov. Rick Perry when that Gov. held a rousing bible rally to kick off his presidential campaign.  There must be something in the bible about caring for those in need.

Sam, here is a question or thought -----Do you think you might allow for affordable health care in Kansas if the program was offered by a shiny Republican?   How about this ------ how about regarding the citizens of Kansas as people much like yourself, and not as means to promoting your political career as paid for by the Kochs.  If you were to do this one thing ------ think of us as people ------ "you might just get what you need" ----- and so will we.

As always,  Emma

(image from poster by Dave Lowenstein.  Read about poster being removed/censored in Topeka cafe)