Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Liar

If Mitt Romney were to win, one thing is very certain.  He will lie to us about anything that suits him or suits his purposes.  How does such a person come to be?

When you have built your entire campaign  --- several campaigns ---- on "the lie" how do you ever get  your integrity back?  Who will ever believe you again if you attain the office of President Of the United States?  Of course, this time, the one of many and latest lies was about Jeep, along with the auto bailout.  He frightened so many honest Americans for his purposes.  But, the entire list of lies encompasses every topic mentioned in the campaign.

Who is this man who says he is informed by his faith, yet doesn't hesitate to lie, to mislead. He forgets the consequences, scares good people, takes "what must - must be rightfully his, and lets those who are trusting or gullible suffer in fear?  Is it because he is white?  Is it because he is rich?  Is it because he says he is a business man, although many do not understand the true nature of his "business?"

What truly informs Romney is that it is quite alright to lie to people he does not personally know.  Are such people not worthy of kindness and truth?  Clearly not in Romney's cynical world.  In Romney's "special" world, it is permissible to lie.  He has left some families scared to death with that Jeep ad. They thought they were going to lose their jobs.  That is cruel!   Who would want this man at the helm? In "Romney World"to lie is to govern.  I repeat ----- CRUEL!