Thursday, June 27, 2013
Five People Do The Right Thing!
GREAT JOY AND A HUGE SENSE OF RELIEF! Yes, these were my initial feelings as I anxiously waited for and listened to the Supreme Court rulings on DOMA and Prop 8. Such unbridled joy for 5 people doing "the right thing." I always get stuck on that point. I cheer and weep with joy and then say, "Hey, wait a moment." This time I'm going to try to resist the feeling of resentment that others have the power to judge who my dear ones marry. ONWARD! EVER ONWARD! WE FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT! (And, as I've so often said, vote as if your life depends on it. It so truly does.)
Yet, this is a blog that rises from the great Kansas prairies so you should know what an article by Dave Helling from the KCStar says. "Push for same-sex marriage is seen as unlikely here. Supreme Court rulings Wednesday will have little impact in Kansas and Missouri. Supreme Court decisions extending some protections to same-sex married couples change little in Missouri or Kansas, experts said Wednesday." So you can see that there are always those who are not familiar with the concept of "doing what is right - just because it is right." They are not restrained by that particular ethic.
There is plenty of wide open spaces to nurture our hateful little Rep. Timmy Huelskamp. We talked about him before. A real winner this one. He is already to file a constitutional amendment to restore DOMA. Take a bow Timmy. Your bigoted filled credentials are in full bloom.
Fred Phelps, you too can rest easy. Your lovely Westboro Baptist Church can still thrive. Think of the states that are opening their hearts to equal rights. States that you can travel to, and then return home to your sanctuary in Kansas. As Dorothy and I like to say, "There's No Place Like Home."