Saturday, June 22, 2013

Resurfacing After The Heart Of Twister Season!

Why not start with one of our state's true stars?  You remember him ---- Kris Kobach.  He is our not so very much revered Sec. Of State.  He is also known for being the author of Arizona's "Papers Please Laws." I guess you should also know that he is the counsel for The Immigration Law Reform Institute.  ( I think he formed that little group so fellow bigots can have a place to gather.  Aww, maybe not, who knows?  I'm just a tad cynical.)  Anyway, dear Kris likes to go around the country creating bigotry laws for like minded states, so Kansas got us one of them laws too.  Yup, Kansas has a law just like Arizona's, but if you have seen the news, Arizona's law was just recently struck down by The Supreme Court!!!!!  Not to worry, not worry, not to worry Kansas.  Kris tells us that our little law to arrest and/or deport undocumented folks is more finely tuned than the one that went down in flames in Arizona. Kris personally did his very finest work to tweak that puppy so it would withstand any scrutiny. Go get em, Kris!!!!! Your heartfelt family - destroying - bigotry will even withstand your claims of being a man of faith.

Second part of the story is that a group of people known as Sunflower Community Action wanted to let Kris know that not all people from Kansas agree with him.  This incredibly non-violent group went to Kris' beautiful suburban home.  They had a speaker who wanted to make the point as to how Kris' laws crushed and devastated families.  They thought they had a sympathetic story to tell.  Their speaker used a bull horn so that his voice could be heard past the closed door.  Of course, there was no response, mainly because Kris and family were not home.  But, this was a symbolic mission, and as such, the group left  a number of empty shoes on the door step signifying a deported family member who would be greatly missed, loved, and treasured.

Kris Kobach returns to find this horrifying thing has happen to HIM!  WHAT IF HIS FAMILY HAD BEEN HOME?  Don't you see the horror?  Don't you see the trauma to his wife and children?  It is not right for HIS family to experience trauma.  It is for him to make life hell for others, but DO NOT BRING DISCOMFORT TO HIS DOOR STEP.  My god!  What were they thinking?  Well, Glenn Beck wanted to know exactly that.  Beck likened it to being attacked by the KKK!  Kris Koback, said he was going to seek legal recourse against the group by filing chargers under the Klan laws!  It all has to do with being on one's property and threatening violence, (which was not the case.)  The group tried to make contact with the Sec. Of State, at his office  but were consistently turned away, or ignored.

Our dear Kris worries that he might not be able to shelter his children from all of this much longer.  He will not, however, have to worry about someone like - say Kris Kobach sending his children's supportive, loving, parents away from them.  That sort of terror will not be known to his children.  The most extreme fear Kris might face is that his children might want to know what all those empty shoes mean.