Friday, October 19, 2012

Early Voting - Kansas!

Sam Brownback and Kris Kobach decided to live on the edge allowing "early voting" to stand in Kansas.  On Monday the 22nd I will be at the Metcalf South Shopping Center at 10:00 am. (Yes, for those of you who recall the Center - it still remains.  Sadly, it is almost ghostly in  appearance.  Yet, that is where early voting for our area takes place.  Kobach and Brownback have not yet invented phony reasons to take away early voting in Kansas.  There's always the next voting cycle......) After my experience voting in the worthless primary, I know that this time I will insist that someone actually look at my photo ID!  If I am to play my part in this charade, then the poll worker must play out their part. LOOK AT THE DAMN ID!  Well, anyway, Monday is THE day, and I can't wait to cast my vote..... to get it safely recorded, and hope that it is safely counted.

                                    DID IT  ACTUALLY WORK?
Do you realize that nobody seems to be talking about or asking for Romney's tax returns any more?  Was he really able to wait out the storm?  That is the best job of stonewalling I've ever witnessed.  Seems he got away with it, and he knew he would.  (Please pass the "family valium!")