Monday, October 8, 2012

Worry And Fret!

You know what some people would say I do best?  "Worry," and as we say on the prairie, "fret!" (I can see my children nodding and laughing right about now.)  What am I worried about?  You got it.  Romney!  He truly scares me.  Perhaps it has to do with my grandchildren.  I also know you don't have to have children and grandchildren to be scared of Romney.  You just have to know in your heart something is very wrong if Romney prevails. Is it as basic as old fashioned patriotism?  Is it that sick feeling that one can have if their vote is purchased, or if they are cheated out of their vote with out this being of concern to Romney?

Four years ago I was so elated when President Obama won.  Everything seemed so incredibly right when that actually happened.  (Of course there was still a great sadness regarding the result of Prop 8. We understood how that came about. So on we fight.)  But the President Obama win was mighty sweet.

In no more than a blink of an eye we were to learn that the present day Republican party pledged themselves not to our country's well being , not to patriotism, but to destroying President Obama.  Imagine getting every single member of your party to dedicate their work  --- not on behalf of their constituents --- not for the good of the country ---- not even  to govern, but to bring down one man. Insane! Unpatriotic!  Is it any wonder I worry, and I fret!?  Romney has become the choice of these people.  What Romney has not become, thus far, is a person that can ally the fears of a woman in Kansas  - a woman that looks for a sense of decency, intellectual curiosity, respect for others, and respect for basic truth.  This man doesn't have or show these traits now and certainly, he didn't seem to exhibit them as a youth.  HE SCARES ME!   Time to worry and fret.