Saturday, October 27, 2012

Just A Thought

Remember our legislator from Ks. - Kevin Yoder - the one that took the phony baloney trip to Israel, threw back something a little stronger than Manischewitz, and jumped nude into The Sea Of Galilee?  Yes, that's the guy.  If you recall, he is running for reelection unopposed, but oddly enough he has the largest and the most signs planted all over the area.  He has outdone every other candidate running for any office in the entire county.  You wouldn't believe it!  I am told that the idea is to keep his name in front of the electorate for the next election. (As if any opponent would let any voter forget Galilee.)

Now here is my thought/question: How many wonderful things do you think could be done for the neediest of his constituents with the money already spent on those massive, and many signs?  Kevin Yoder is a "family values" guy,  and I think he could feed and clothe a great many "valued families" in his district. Acts such as that would certainly keep his name before the public.  Just think of it ----he could say, "Donation to Harvesters made by the Yoder Election Sign Fund," or, "Donation to The Winter Coats For Children, made by The Election Signs For Yoder Fund."  Aw, you get the idea.  "Name recognition"  -  "Family values!"  Win!  Win!