Thursday, October 25, 2012

Questions And Suffrage

How can women be so cavalier with their hard won civil rights?  I do not take this question lightly.  Are they so greatly in need of a man's approval that they will do and say anything to get that "verbal pat on the head?"

I was alerted to this phenomenon years ago when I was shocked to hear women phoning in to the Limbaugh show. They couldn't wait to tell him ----HIM ---- something they had just done or said to diminish their own rights.  Stunning!  The Rush response, as always, was "Right on, right on."  The woman caller thought she was quite special so great was her need for approval from this scam artist  --- a scammer that was secretly laughing at her.  Amazingly enough, Rush started out as little more than a "slug" with no ambition, lazy beyond description ---- working, (if you can call it that,) for the KC Royals.  He had the no skill job of figuring out what gift the first 100 people  should receive on t-shirt night!  Oh I don't know, perhaps t-shirts?  Next he got off his couch, and perfected his present "dog and pony" show ---- and from this some woman wants HIS approval!  STOP IT!

We even had a local woman run for office who didn't believe women should have the right to vote!  YES!

Everybody - women and men, should be required to take a course on the history of how women won that right to vote.  The final exam should be to see if the students can justify anybody voting for someone who seeks to diminish women's rights. Put that in essay form.  They would have to make clear why any woman would freely abdicate her rights by voting for a candidate who thinks she is incapable of making her own decisions about health, family, and government.

To the present day Republicans:  If you are worried about "personhood," how about starting with the "personhood" of a woman.

If you vote for the Republican party the loss of the rights of women will certainly not be reflected by the fact that women are a minority. We are not.  So, unlike the GLBT community, by voting Republican, women will be complicit in making themselves second class citizens.