Monday, May 7, 2012

Kansas wasn't always like this.  Like what?  We are, as of today, officially the most conservative state in the union.  The score is kept by keeping track of how our sterling legislators vote.  What does this mean for me?  It means... constant aggravation, to put it mildly!  Because like I said, it wasn't always like this.  There was a time, when we first moved here in 1965, that Kansas had a conscience.  It was always Republican, but the Republicans were pretty decent; not as unkind and mean spirited as they are today.  Now we have Rev. Phelps.  Now they call the Democratic Party the Democrat Party.  (Should we be calling them the Republic Party?  How juvenile.)  Our state seemed like the first to pass that new voter registration law without  a single person speaking out.  It wasn't until it became a national story that some people in Kansas finally said, "Hey wait." (I had to explain the law to a few of my friends .... as to exactly why it was bad.  At least they understood!)  Much of the drafting of the "Papers Please" bill for Az. was done by our dear Kris Kobach.  Look him up.  What a guy.  Mitt loves him, or he did until a few days ago.

O.K.  That's enough to start.  My health you know!  I ain't young for God's sakes ...... got two chronic conditions that are highly aggravated by stress.  I know...... who doesn't?  See, here's the problem... I'm the only one in my crowd that watches Rachel, mutters to my dear, very liberal, cat Adelaide,  and until now, when I received this perfect Mother's Day gift of a blog  --- all set up -- from my very understanding son and the recipient of my tortured emails, I was quite isolated here in OZ.