Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Welcome To Kansas - Now That It Is Safe!

My, my, my, another Kansas blessing thanks to our legislature and governor.  We are safe!!  A new law bars Kansas courts from basing their decisions on foreign law.  You know.  No Shariah law in Kansas!  Of course, there wasn't any danger of Shariah law to start with ...... absolutely none. Yet, right wing "hate radio," the Koch brothers, and Fox News have planted a crop of fear and lies as healthy as Kansas wheat. Whew! That was close!  Some of our citizens are not quite sure how laws are made, but still they are certain that Shariah law will spread like blight across the land.  (Here's a good primer on what Sharia law is.. and is not.)

My late husband would have been shocked beyond words to learn, that as a pharmacist, he could now refuse to fill a script, if he believed it went against HIS beliefs on abortion. (Of course, he would have had to have held such beliefs.)  He would also have had to "reasonably believe that the script would result in the termination of a pregnancy." So, if all those suppositions in this case were true, he would have been in a position to refuse to provide birth control.  YIKES!   Richard had three careers in the field of pharmacy. Not one of those three careers took the form of "dispensing punishment."