Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Is There A Badge For That?

If you are looking for recognition for your abilities in "division" & "intolerance," ----- if you seek to excel in these areas, may I suggest joining The Boy Scouts Of America.  After "careful consideration" they have chosen to uphold a longtime ban on gay members, and that is now their legacy.  WHAT A LEGACY!

Apparently the "careful consideration" and vote were held by a "secret committee." And it had to be kept confidential... because?  I mean, if they are so sure this needed to be studied, and a continuation of the ban would likely be the result, why keep it hush, hush?  Right is right, and after "careful consideration," they must be right!   While we're at it, why take two years to review?  When you are going after people for the purpose of treating them like second class citizens ---- get on with it!  Don't scurry around like roaches!  Someone might misinterpret your "careful consideration" and think YOU are less than first class.  For God and country, right? 

I have a favorite saying that some of you know.  It applies to those people that made this decision to continue the ban on gays as official policy of the B.S.A. ------ When these fine people reach THEIR judgement day, best they ask for mercy --- not justice!

I recently came across someone who suggested the B.S.A. should be be renamed by dropping the "B" which now stands for bogus, backwards, bigots, etc and just call them The Oy Scouts.  Oy, indeed.  

UPDATE:  Want to help make a difference?  You can click here and sign this petition from Eagle Scout Zach Whahls, and son of two lesbian moms, who is calling for transparency and accountability.  No more "secret committees."  The B.S.A must allow the resolution to allow openly gay scouts and leaders to come to a full vote at the next BSA convention, in May 2013.