Monday, July 23, 2012


If you own a drug store you have exactly what a "strung out" thief is looking for.  It announces that fact on the outside of the store - in large letters!  DRUGS! DRUGS! DRUGS!  Now here is the thing.... Richard positively refused to have a gun on the property.  There was no gun hidden beneath the counter.  Many people might consider that to be foolish, but Richard strongly felt that someone strung out on drugs was enough of a problem, and usually well beyond reason regarding his own abilities.  What would surely happen  was that Richard would either be killed with his own gun, or the grabbing of that gun might send bullets flying around the store endangering customers and employees.  Best reduce the danger to all, and reach in to "the stash" of outdated drugs kept for just such a visit.  The stuff would probably "work," but why give him your best stock, you know?  Really, he isn't apt to check the exp. date! Bag them up, and send the fool off!  Finally, it is considered good form to not only call the police, but also call the store down the street to let them know who might be headed their way.

Richard was raised with a father and brothers that hunted and collected guns, but he decided at a young age that they could be the "hunters," and he would be the "gatherer." I think if Richard were alive today and was aware of the gun carnage in the news, he might say he didn't think the "The Founding Fathers" had six thousand bullets in mind when they were writing The Second Amendment.

No, even with the many times that our store presented such danger, we just weren't much for guns.