Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Kansas Is Burning Too

The prairie is burning up. The crops are scorched. The farmers are suffering, and George Will makes a "flip" remark, "Its Summer!" This from the king of Republican pundits that is considered quite the wise sophisticate. There are all kinds of Republicans, though ---- all kinds of flavors.  Right?  We have the haters.  The haters feel superior to those they have chosen to hate ---- not complicated.  They have finally been given permission to feel this way by the usual suspects: hate radio, Fox, Tea Party, etc.  Next we have the old school Republicans.  These people still understand such words as honesty, shame, and decency.  At least when they lie they feel a slight moment of what we call the "petite cringe."  Finally, we have the life long Republicans ------- the ones that continue to vote even against their better interests.  They vote R. because they always have, and they don't understand what the implications are, especially when they pull that lever "down ballot" as we say.  (The consequences are more direct "down ballot" with the exception of the Supreme Court at the top of the ballot.)  I don't know one person that under -------- oh, never mind. Lets just say that times have changed , but not so as these people can see. They think Reagan is still alive and has his wits -- such as they were.

Oh well! It is just summer. Yes?  Nooooo! Do not look to Kansas to make governing choices for the good of our beloved nation.  Kansas is burning, and Mr. Will, it is not because it's summer.