Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Golden Ticket

Guess what came in the mail today?  A gold colored -- honest to God -- GOLD - colored certificate of voter registration!  It tells me a lot of things --- what U.S. Congressional district, Senate district, KS. Congressional district, and Senate district, St. Bd. of Ed., County Commission I live in, and where I should go to actually cast a vote if there are people running in those afore mentioned offices. (This is a primary.) The golden card also has my ward #, my pct. # and,   TAA- DAA - my VOTER REGISTRATION NUMBER!!!!!  In case anything happens to me, I will , from this day forward, keep that number in my purse taped to my drivers lic.!  JUST TO BE SAFE!   After all, this is Kansas, and if you are reading this blog you KNOW this card is truly precious.  This card, (plus my photo,) says I can claim my right to vote on election day, and I will never take that for granted again!