Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Clint Eastwood

I just saw a headline entitled, "Leave Clint Alone."  As far as I can tell that is just what is happening.  Yes, yes.  The first 48 hrs. were filled with comments from people who were stunned, shocked, amazed, amused, gob-smacked, thunder struck, asking themselves and others, "What was that?" Also, some were delighted, supportive of Mr. Eastwood - even if they didn't quite understand him, and Mr. Limbaugh was so moved, he was bouncing up and down in his chair shouting, "Right on!" "Right On!"  So, here we are on the following Tuesday, and no one is really analyzing Mr. Eastwood's performance any longer.
                     And scene!     (Clearly, we have left Clint alone.)