Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuna Fish, Pasta, And Fear!

Now how did that go?  The young Romneys know what it is to struggle because they ate tuna fish and pasta when they were in the early years of their marriage.  The one thing missing from that menu --- the thing that set them apart from others when they were just starting out was ---- fear!  They knew they would never go hungry. NEVER! EVER!  It was just a matter of which one of their extraordinarily wealthy parents they would go to for help. THEY WOULD NEVER STARVE.  THEIR YOUNG CHILDREN WOULD NEVER GO WITHOUT. So let's take a hard look at just how much the Romneys can possibly understand about what a person from middle America will face in any given lifetime.   They will never really know the kind of fear that comes from not having a safety net the size of all outdoors.  They will never know the fear that comes from facing the "unexpected!" Yes, Mrs. Romney is facing daunting health concerns, and we will get to that presently. In fact, let's look at it now.

There are many kinds of fear that are faced by the average American. Not being able to put bread on the table, of course, is one. Wondering if you will be able to educate your children is another, (and that certainly is no issue for the Romneys.)  So the next great fear would come under the heading of HEALTH CARE.  Ann Romney's terribly unfortunate health problems might bring some families to their knees. We can rest assured that she has the very best in medical care, and know that that care will not incur any strain on her family's finances. But, sadly that isn't the case for many many Americans.  It is here where I think Mrs. Romney's tuna fish story spreads a tad thin, because I know a thing or two about this kind of FEAR! Pre-existing conditions, and health insurance companies that won't cover you, and yes, FEAR because of that!  Honestly, that is when tuna fish and pasta stories are just plain insulting!

Mr. and Mrs. Romney, I am less than charmed with your sweet stories about those cute days when you ate your tuna fish and pasta with the other young couples in the married student quarters at Harvard.  I would rather know what you have figured out for people who might be living paycheck to paycheck or those who have even less. In case there is no plan ---- and there appears not to be, I'm going to grab a tuna on rye, and continue to work for our President Obama.