Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Teacher - A True Story

In the Republican world of treating teachers as if they are poorly motivated leeches, I would like to introduce you to a teacher I've known personally for 44 years.  She has been teaching for 22 years, and is employed by what was once the most prestigious school district in the state. Really, it was known nation wide.  Students were "school ready," parents had high expectations, and always worked with staff for stellar outcomes.  Fast forward many years - many changes, and now approx. one small pocket of the district has been able to remain with the same high standard while the rest of the district showed what happens when a legislature and head of state come together to slash and burn education in theory, and school programs in fact --- in order to game the budget.  It shouts loud and clear that they do not share the same core values that once were held in high esteem in Kansas.  These amazing leaders show no understanding of, at the very least, what their legacy will be, when two thirds of a district experiences socio-economic change, and needs more - not less.

My daughter, the teacher in question, went from having students that came to school with everything they needed----to a classroom filled with children having nothing!  No supplies, and worse, no adequate food.  My daughter buys and keeps extra supplies for every child in need, (I match her output at the start of each year,) and she also keeps packages of food in her desk for those kiddos who have not had breakfast, or have not made it into the school provided breakfast program, or, who's parents didn't get them to school in time for breakfast. (She does her best to get her little "clients" in to that precious breakfast program as soon as an opening comes up.  She pretends to be surprised when the child comes to tell her of their great good fortune!  Hugs all around!)

This is not what she was initially trained to do.  These are skills that she has lately acquired, and it makes her furious that the governor and his minions in the legislature want to make further cuts to the schools at every level.  Is there any study in existence that states this will end well for the children and future of Kansas?  Certainly someone will profit.  I wonder who.