Saturday, September 15, 2012


Kris Kobach!  There will be more details to come about trying to keep our President Obama off of the ballot in Ks. regarding the "Birther Issue!"  This is just to set the table - so to speak.  Do the juices of a bigot flow so "lava like" that they can't be stopped?  I think perhaps this is a sickness.  Bigotry, like all things takes many forms, but, this man, this Sec. Of State Of Ks. is so  filled with hate, that I suppose he might have trouble breathing.  I'm serious.  If you recall, this is "the papers please," maven that went running off to Arizona's side to work on their bigotry program since we weren't a boarder state.  But, now lookee here ------ one last gasp for Ks.!  WE can be a "Birther State."  Confetti please!  If you haven't already heard the details, I hope to have them at this site soon.  Again, the main idea, with the help of a fellow nitwit who is now  quickly scuttling for cover, is to keep Pres. Obama off the ballot in Ks.  Mercy!  (In a letter to the editor written by Rabbi Mark H. Levin, I found the following quote: "Where truth dies,  democracy will die with it."  Thank you, Rabbi.)

Whew!  That was fast!  The NYTimes just said the initiative was nixed!  You think?  Nationally, perhaps ----- but, locally there are many backers who will not understand why it was nixed, and will not believe it is truly over.  It will remain alive and well in some of our press.  The phrase "caving in" might come up about one or a hundred times! It won't be over until the god awful publicity is locked in..... perhaps Monday.

Resolved, As Of Yesterday!
We find that yesterday brought this particular ludicrous mess to a formal close. It was ended by the state Board Of Objections.  Yes there is such a body!  Even though the fool bringing the complaint tried to drop it last Friday, fearing, he said, for his well being. The law said he couldn't just say,"never mind," and the Board Of Objections had to make a ruling.  I don't know what is more amazing ----- that there is something called the Board Of Objections, or that, YES,  after reviewing all the papers from Hawaii AGAIN, President Obama can have his name on the ballot in Kansas.

Best of all, Kris Kobach said," the Board Of Objections could not consider any further challenges to Obama's place on the ballot."  Get out of town!  Shut the front door!  We are on a roll here!  

If you think that brought everything to a dignified end - not so much!  "Activists on both sides of the residency question quarreled before and after the meeting, forcing a security officer to order them out of the building!"  LOVELY!

As for me, I just can't get over that we have that Board Of Objections!  Hot Damn!  Sign me up!


                                   Oops!   Not Resolved!    Enter Orly Taitz
Yep!  You got it!  Dr. Taitz was granted an Oct. 3 court hearing here in Kansas.  It seems our now famous Objections Board ruled over her "objections!"  How's that for irony, or maybe that is what an Objections Board is supposed to do ---- who knows?  Sadly, there are so very few of these quaint boards around.  But, it seems ole Kris Kobach did Orly Taitz wrong ---- so pop the popcorn, pull up a chair, the Birther action in Ks. will be Oct. 3 in the center ring.  Do go on with the rest of Romney's version of "Better Know A Candidate."  Kansas has it's Objections Board.  No! No! You can't just say, "I object!" Then we would miss all the fun.


Here we are at Oct. 3rd.  Poor Doc. Taitz was informed that a state judge has delayed today's "birther hearing."  There seems to be some concern as to whether it is legal for her to bring such a case in our state.

Now my favorite, "who knew there was such a thing? --- "Board Of Objections" --- is being referred to as "the little known board," and if that isn't insulting enough, the singing legend, Cher has tweeted that the state of Ks. GOP is "beneath slime."  Piling on --- State Rep. Ann Mah, (D. Topeka,) accuses Kobach of turning Ks. into a laughing stock again,  and strange, but true,  Ks. GOP officials want to stress that the Birther Movement does not control the Ks. Republican Party!  Get out! Really? You mean they really have a point at which they actually draw a line?