Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Puzzlement For Women In Red States!

When it comes to women in red states, you know the ones, those who cannot possibly be in charge of their own bodies because they are just plain stupid and irresponsible --- yes, the ones that don't know that "the body has a way of  shutting things down, cleaning things out, and turning things off before leaving the room," or ---- whatever!   I was wondering just how it is that such women are allowed to become gynecologists! That seems to be terribly dangerous!  Yes?   My lord!  What an absolutely dreadful risk!   Women doctors?  Women "lady parts" doctors?  How could they possibly figure it all out?  Well, there must not be any of those creatures in red states. That is truly all that I can figure out.   Check please!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Playing Cops And Robbers...

There are so many ways at looking at this awful decision by the jury.  One way that sticks in my mind is the maturity level, or lack there of of Mr. Zimmerman.  I see him as a man - child, or rather a man that stopped maturing at about 12,  perhaps at the most 17,  so, at best, what we actually had was two 17 yr. olds - one wanting to be a policeman when he grew up!  The awful problem is that he actually grew into a full fledged school yard bigot.  He had all the makings of a school yard bully who shouts ugly words and  brandishes a weapon.  A real big man!  Now if only he could be a "real" policeman just imagine how much fun being a "grownup" would be!  He was ever so close to being that tough guy with a real badge ---------  All he had to do in Florida was sign up to be the neighborhood watch person  ----- carry a real gun  ----- with real bullets ---- and honest to god, it would be like the real thing. Cops and robbers!  The very best part was that now he could stop all the other kids that were not the same race as he was, and, of course, he would get by with it.  People thought that was just fine, and he knew it.  Yes, he could act out his 12 - 17 year old's fantasy - the age where  his maturing process stopped dead in the water.  Sadly, another 17yr. old would pay the price.

One might wonder how in the world "Lil George" was able to convince adults that his head was smashed into the concrete over and over again when just one time would probably crack his skull wide open.  Oh well.  I mean really?  How is that possible?  I know George has the imagination of a child when he tells this story, but how do you get adults to buy in to such a tall tale?

Of course, the hard reality of this story is that the real child will never get to mature, and the 29 yr. old will be able to return to his world of bigotry with his trusty loaded gun. The real child is gone from our world, but George can still roam his three block domain reminding us that last night, according to Lisa Bloom, "Was not a good night for civil rights."  The hard reality is that a bigoted 29 yr. man - child can hunt other children with his "for real" loaded gun because the law says that's absolutely fine.  Trayvon Martin.  His name was Trayvon Martin, and he didn't want to play "Cops and Robbers."  He wanted to watch the All-Star Game ------ and grow up.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Eyes Of Texas!

I never ever ever thought I would say this but I am absolutely green with envy of Texas!!!!  I also never ever ever thought I would say,  could Kansas ever be like Texas - please?  Could we possibly have a Wendy Davis and all the people who stood with her?  If only people from Kansas would gather by the number - make that vast numbers - to protest what has been done not only to women's rights, but to voting rights.  Could that Texas banner of protest wave over our Kansas skies?  In my wildest imaginings, I have never thought of Texas as anything but just plain worse than Kansas on oh so many levels.  But now look at what strode forward in pink tennis shoes. Sanity, decency, logic, kindness, empathy, and intelligence strode right in to the Texas state house, and fought for equality, common sense, and uteruses.   Damn!  I want one of those Wendy Davis' in Kansas.  By god Wendy was able to focus not only the eyes of Texas, but the eyes of Kansas and the rest of our dear country on the gift she has for standing up for women's rights.  Wow!

Quick Question......

To those of you in heterosexual marriages.  Would you be satisfied if your marriage was invalidated when you crossed state lines?  Emma is just asking.

Five People Do The Right Thing!

GREAT JOY AND A HUGE SENSE OF RELIEF!  Yes, these were my initial feelings as I anxiously waited for and listened to the Supreme Court rulings on DOMA and Prop 8.   Such unbridled joy for 5 people doing "the right thing."  I always get stuck on that point.  I cheer and weep with joy and then say, "Hey, wait a moment." This time I'm going to try to resist the feeling of resentment that others have the power to judge who my dear ones marry. ONWARD! EVER ONWARD! WE FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT!    (And, as I've so often said, vote as if your life depends on it.  It so truly does.)

Yet, this is a blog that rises from the great Kansas prairies so you should know what an  article by Dave Helling from the KCStar says. "Push for same-sex marriage is seen as unlikely here.  Supreme Court rulings Wednesday will have little impact in Kansas and Missouri. Supreme Court decisions extending some protections to same-sex married couples change little in Missouri or Kansas, experts said Wednesday."  So you can see that there are always those who are not familiar with the concept of "doing what is right - just because it is right." They are not restrained by that particular ethic.

There is plenty of wide open spaces to nurture our hateful little Rep. Timmy Huelskamp.  We talked about him before.  A real winner this one.  He is already to file a constitutional amendment to restore DOMA.  Take a bow Timmy.  Your bigoted filled credentials are in full bloom.

Fred Phelps, you too can rest easy.  Your lovely Westboro Baptist Church can still thrive.  Think of  the states that are opening their hearts to equal rights. States that you can travel to, and then return home to your sanctuary in Kansas.  As Dorothy and I like to say, "There's No Place Like Home."

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


The Voting Rights Act is struck down.  Heartbreaking!  To rub salt in the wound, Justice Alito acts like a six year old -- making faces and disrespectful remarks under his breath while Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg reads her opinions.  Perhaps that kind of behavior makes the point ----- a juvenile decision poorly thought out.  As it has been stated by others today, if a medicine works do you stop taking it - especially when you have been presented with numerous facts that while the patient has improved in some instances, he has relapsed in many others?

Back to Justice "Not True" Alito and his fellow like minded justices.  How did such petty minds progress so far?  So many lives depend upon their thought processes.  Again, this is what is truly heartbreaking.

We wait now for Alito's and  the others to render to us their understanding of empathy, humanity, and once again, civil rights.  Keep a good thought for tomorrow.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Resurfacing After The Heart Of Twister Season!

Why not start with one of our state's true stars?  You remember him ---- Kris Kobach.  He is our not so very much revered Sec. Of State.  He is also known for being the author of Arizona's "Papers Please Laws." I guess you should also know that he is the counsel for The Immigration Law Reform Institute.  ( I think he formed that little group so fellow bigots can have a place to gather.  Aww, maybe not, who knows?  I'm just a tad cynical.)  Anyway, dear Kris likes to go around the country creating bigotry laws for like minded states, so Kansas got us one of them laws too.  Yup, Kansas has a law just like Arizona's, but if you have seen the news, Arizona's law was just recently struck down by The Supreme Court!!!!!  Not to worry, not worry, not to worry Kansas.  Kris tells us that our little law to arrest and/or deport undocumented folks is more finely tuned than the one that went down in flames in Arizona. Kris personally did his very finest work to tweak that puppy so it would withstand any scrutiny. Go get em, Kris!!!!! Your heartfelt family - destroying - bigotry will even withstand your claims of being a man of faith.

Second part of the story is that a group of people known as Sunflower Community Action wanted to let Kris know that not all people from Kansas agree with him.  This incredibly non-violent group went to Kris' beautiful suburban home.  They had a speaker who wanted to make the point as to how Kris' laws crushed and devastated families.  They thought they had a sympathetic story to tell.  Their speaker used a bull horn so that his voice could be heard past the closed door.  Of course, there was no response, mainly because Kris and family were not home.  But, this was a symbolic mission, and as such, the group left  a number of empty shoes on the door step signifying a deported family member who would be greatly missed, loved, and treasured.

Kris Kobach returns to find this horrifying thing has happen to HIM!  WHAT IF HIS FAMILY HAD BEEN HOME?  Don't you see the horror?  Don't you see the trauma to his wife and children?  It is not right for HIS family to experience trauma.  It is for him to make life hell for others, but DO NOT BRING DISCOMFORT TO HIS DOOR STEP.  My god!  What were they thinking?  Well, Glenn Beck wanted to know exactly that.  Beck likened it to being attacked by the KKK!  Kris Koback, said he was going to seek legal recourse against the group by filing chargers under the Klan laws!  It all has to do with being on one's property and threatening violence, (which was not the case.)  The group tried to make contact with the Sec. Of State, at his office  but were consistently turned away, or ignored.

Our dear Kris worries that he might not be able to shelter his children from all of this much longer.  He will not, however, have to worry about someone like - say Kris Kobach sending his children's supportive, loving, parents away from them.  That sort of terror will not be known to his children.  The most extreme fear Kris might face is that his children might want to know what all those empty shoes mean.

Friday, May 3, 2013

GUNS! GUNS! GUNS! Made In Kansas!

Oh, the hoops that poor dear Gov. Brownback is forced to jump through just to get mentioned in the nightly news.  His biggest problem is that he just can't get the people in Kansas to rise up in anger at all of his hurtful and ill conceived programs.   We all know that since he owns the legislature, and is presently working on packing the courts, with the exception of a few letters to the editors of the KCStar, no one speaks out  against "the crazy." This is no way to get national attention.  Yes, Brownback and the Koch brothers are outrageous, but in Kansas, no one dares to speak up.  The Guv. needs national attention!  He needs the spotlight!  Won't someone PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!!!!!

Got it!  I know!  As of this week Sam finally got a mention by going against the federal government regarding ----- wait for it ------ gun laws!!!!  What could be better?  Sam is picking a fight with U.S. Att. Gen. Eric Holder.  Sam says that any gun, or bullets, made in Kansas would not be subject to federal law.  WE, the state of Kansas, are going to the mat on this one, by god!!!!!  WE have already asked our slightly biased legislature for "225,000 dollars" to get a start on defending this new law.  Money well spent - for sure!  (That must be just pocket change to get the petitions printed!)

Well let the interpretations begin.  Kansas against "the dad gum feds." ...... We WILL prevail, because, prevailing in this case means getting Brownback's name to the top of that "crazy list."  Just hang what is best for the citizens of the state of Kansas .... never a concern.  All aboard the Sam Brownback Express.  Let's push that Brownback name ever upward, and don't forget how to spell Brownback -----K 0 C H!

(Photo: The "adorable" Crickett Brand "My First Rifle Collection", marketed to and designed for children, which resulted in the shooting death of a 2 year old by her 5 year old brother this week.)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Let's Keep A Good Thought!

At first glance this story wouldn't seem to fit into my Kansas chronicles, but you may recall how we went over this ground regarding the KC Metro area.  Yes?  Soooo, a news item about Research Medical Center on the Missouri side of the state line will be fair play.  What happened?  Most of you might know, but in a nutshell, a gay man was refused the right to stay with his sick partner as he was not recognized by the hospital as family.  He wound up getting arrested, and slapped with a restraining order.  He also had to face the wrath of his partner's family --- charming!

The event brings to mind, in a round about way, a brief moment I shared with a very kind and helpful Apple employee.  I had called the "help line" for general assistance.  We got to chatting --- not at all unusual for me.  I tend to ask where the technicians are located and warn them I am a little old lady from Kansas --- "their worst nightmare!"  I think it only fair that they know what they have on their hands.  Well, nothing stopped this kiddo from full Apple enthusiasm.  Eventually, he told me that he and his partner were about to move to Kansas and he was so excited!!!  Really?!  Yes!  He actually said he was so excited to be moving to Kansas! By this point, we were best friends. I knew he knew he had sailed into safe harbor talking to me, but I also believed that talking to me was the sum total of his knowledge of what lay ahead. Yikes!  Should I tell him about Fred Phelps?   Should I tell him about Gov. Brownback and the legislature?  Should I tell him not to confuse "The Yellow Brick Road" with "The Rainbow Pride" flag?  I just listened to those beautiful plans of his, wished him and his partner all the very best, and never stopped thinking about him.  Please, let's keep a good thought that both he and his partner made a good transition, and more importantly, have remained healthy -- without the need for hospitalization.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Rise Up Kansas - Rise Up! No Fight Is Too Mean Spirited!

Look out North Dakota we are just a mere signature away.  Any second now, and it will all be ours ---heh, heh, heh!  Our state legislature passed a bill Fri. night that hopes to be the most ridiculous anti-abortion law known to mankind.  We start with life begins at fertilization and go on to cover blocking tax breaks for abortion providers, and ------- well, you can fill in the blanks.  It ain't hard.  Senate count - - 28 to 10, and House count 90 to 30.  Now it is off  for the signature of "Sam the Man," otherwise known as the not so "secret Koch brother!" We will be up and running with this priceless conservative "small government" piece of irony by July.  Keep on plugging Kansas.  We might not always be first, but we have the will to claw our way to the front once again  in a clearly idiotic and hurtful fight.   Life can be harsh on the prairie.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

RIP, Kansas

I am reprinting, in its entirety, the obituary that ran in the Hutchinson newspaper (and online) this week for the death of Kansas:

KANSAS 1861-2013

TOPEKA - The Great State of Kansas passed away on March 31, 2013, after a long and difficult battle with extremism that became markedly more aggressive in 2010. The struggle left the state so weakened it could no longer fight against the relentless attacks by the fatal disease.

Kansas was born on Jan. 29, 1861.

The state is preceded in death by fair taxation, good highways, strong education, family farms, a good public parks and wildlife system, open government, neighborliness and belief in helping each other out, freely elected public servants, and political moderation.

Kansas is survived by widespread poverty, low-wage jobs, high property taxes, pollution, poorly educated children, outmigration and rural depopulation, foreign land and farm ownership, lobbyist-funded legislators, chronic mistreatment of the disabled, a maniacal hatred of government and children who dream of living anywhere else.

During its early years, Kansas played a pivotal role in the Civil War by staking out a strong progressive stand against slavery. Despite repeated raids from border ruffians, Kansas held firm to the belief of free men and free soil.

Throughout its life, Kansas often aligned with leading progressive causes. William Allen White, one of the state's most notable residents, once wrote that "if it's going to happen, it happens first in Kansas." That once was true. Kansas was the first state to ban the Ku Klux Klan, and the first to elect women to public office - one as mayor and another as sheriff.

It was the birthplace of the populist movement, rising as farmers and ordinary people grew weary of the Gilded Age politics of the late 1800s and early 1900s that favored investment interests over those of landowners and laborers.

Kansas was a leader in public education, with one-room school houses dotting the plains. A full 12 years before it was a national concern, Kansas established child labor laws that restricted employment of children in potentially dangerous industries.

In the 1950s, Kansas laid the path to civil rights for African-Americans with the historic Brown vs. Board of Education case - the first in the country to rule against a policy of segregation in public schools.

Despite its compassionate nature, Kansas proved to be a state teeming with inventiveness, ingenuity, determination and a savvy sense of business.

Cessna, Beech and Stearman helped establish Kansas as a center of the aviation industry. Coleman launched an international company from Wichita that became a household name. Pizza Hut and White Castle - two iconic eateries - both got their start in Kansas, and the man who helped establish the American automobile industry called Kansas home.

Kansas' history is filled with vibrant, dynamic people. Settlers who claimed land once described as a desert and turned it into the world's garden; immigrants who came by the train-load and brought with them the hard winter wheat that germinated the state's prosperity. Throughout the years, Kansans endured drought, grasshopper plagues, depression and fierce weather, yet its people worked to hold tight to their land and the belief that there was goodness in Kansas. In spite of those hardships, the state produced world-renowned artists, writers, inventors, business leaders, astronauts, even a president.

Kansas was a strong-willed state whose hands were calloused enough to turn up the hardest sod and tender enough to calm a crying child.

Despite its strength and vitality, Kansas couldn't survive the influences of outside political machines that sought to use this fertile ground and its people as a test plot for an ambitious political experiment.

The elections of 2010 and 2012 brought the poisoned pill that would bring about Kansas' untimely end. The first election seated a governor who tossed aside Kansas' storied history and replaced it with a vision of his own design. In 2012, record setting campaign contributions from out-of-state donors financed the defeat of those moderate Republicans who had spent the last of their political careers keeping Kansas alive.

One by one, the things Kansas had spent a lifetime building were dismantled, until the state was rendered as empty and uninviting as it had been in those early days when the first settlers eyed its endless expanse.

Along the way, the state's defenders - the farmer, the laborer, the property owner and the shop keeper - stood mute and passive, hoping for a day when the state would spark back to life, as it had always done before.

They remained silent too long.

In lieu of flowers, memorials may be sent to the Kansas Chamber of Commerce, the Kansas Policy Institute, or Americans for Prosperity all in care of Gov. Sam Brownback, Office of the Governor, Capital 300 SW 10th Ave. Ste 241S, Topeka, KS 66612-1590. 

Jason Probst is news editor at The Hutchinson News. Email: jprobst@hutchnews.com.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Kansa Is Simply Exhausting!

"Oh, what fresh hell is this?" Dorothy Parker once famously asked.   And you might well ask, too, if you have been paying close attention to the news out of Kansas this week.   I received an email yesterday asking me this very question with a link that informed me that there is a Kansas bill which calls for HIV positive people to be quarantined!  Of course you have to understand that Kansas is feeling a might under rated right now.  They are being shoved out of what they think is their rightful place as the most backward and bigoted state. You know, North Dakota is passing their amazing idiotic abortion bill so that they can jump ahead of Mississippi. An abortion bill that will never pass a court challenge, but is great for making North Dakota sound mean spirited and hateful.  They want to have the most draconian law, and you've got to get up early to concoct that puppy!  So poor Kansas is just plain bummed that they are not getting the same stunned press. What happened?  Isn't that our stock and trade?  Think creationism.  What to do?  What to do?  Well, to quote Cody Patton, "We live in a very conservative state and I'm afraid there are still many people, especially  in rural Kansas, that have inadequate education and understanding concerning HIV/AIDS."

Cody is the Executive Director of a sexual health charity - Positive Directions. He explains how the legislators are corrupting and confusing a 1988 law that was put in place for firefighters and para medics who had to get a court order to test for infectious diseases if they had been exposed.  In today's world you only have to be slightly literate to untangle the old thinking, and then you have to be purposefully up to no good to write a new law showing a desire for discrimination.  Now, we are back in business, North Dakota.  Look out here we come!!!

Lawmakers in both houses of the legislature are working hard to get back in the news with this new way of showing everyone their ignorance, and if all goes well, Kansas will top the "ARE YOU F#*KING KIDDING ME?" list once again!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The World's Best Story, And It Comes From Kansas

If you want to cheer for the rest of the month about something from Kansas .......and, who doesn't? Follow the story on gawker.com by Sam Eifling.

Aaron Jackson, or, as I like to call him ------ OZ: THE GREAT AND POWERFUL ------ did the most wonderful thing.  He bought a house across the street from the hated Westboro Baptist Church  compound - yes, compound ---- their property is that big and is more than a church.  It covers a substantial amount of land. This would mean Mr. Jackson had a pretty good shot at finding a house for sale  across the street from the god awful place known as WBC, which without the "B" would be just what it is  ----- a "WC!"

Now the house has been painted the glorious, colors of the gay pride flag. Fred Phelps and his dreadful crew will be able to look upon this wonderful house forever more.

And here's a link to donate to support the powerful message of the "Equality House" on Aaron Jackson's website Planting Peace:


from the website: 

"For too long, the Westboro Baptist Church has been targeting the LGBTQ community with messages of hate and discrimination. Often, protesting American soldiers’ funerals and organizations that support equality. This faction preaches extremism in our communities and directly targets our youth. To combat their messages of hate and to support equality and anti-bullying initiatives in schools and in our community, Planting Peace has established the Equality House in Topeka, KS. 

Located directly across from the Westboro Baptist Church, the House is a symbol of equality, peace, and positive change. The house, which is painted the colors of the Pride flag, will serve as the resource center for all Planting Peace equality and anti-bullying initiatives and will stand as a visual reminder of our commitment, as global citizens, to equality for all. 

We invite you to support our movement and encourage you to donate today to these equality and anti-bullying initiatives. "

Thursday, March 14, 2013


I swore I wouldn't do another blog on the gun issue.  It is just that Kansas won't let go of that bone - so to speak, and now they are about to consider the merits of guns in schools.  You know, let teachers arm themselves to the teeth, and trust the fact that they know how to handle weapons while under stress, or even trust the fact that the person who trained them had a brain cell working and knew anything about protecting children during mayhem in a school setting.  High five, Kansas!  How does one get the attention of the gun crowd in Kansas?  The answer is to say, "The Second Amendment" as loudly as possible, followed by the old NRA cheer.  This is all old territory.  But, my god, "guns in schools" makes the following seem sane.......

Even though it might seem a tad silly, really it isn't any sillier than maintaing the belief that the Constitution should be interpreted exactly as it was written and ratified in the 1700s.  If that is your belief, (I'm looking at you Justice Scalia,) God Bless, but then you should advance that thinking by collecting all modern day armament and issuing each family a musket.  There!  Done!  If you don't believe 100% in"the musket theory" then you don't believe in the 2nd amendment as it was written and as Justice Scalia wants us to interpret the Constitution.  If it is not a living document, then we should break out the muskets.  Get rid of all the automatic killing machines.  Really, its not all bad, you know. This will keep the NRA perking right along with their real job --- fronting for the arms manufacturers.  Have you any idea how many muskets will have to be made? Win, win!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

It Was A Movie For God's Sakes!

Just to get things started, we must keep in mind that when Jimmy Stewart needed to relieve himself he simply left the set and ---- did so.   He probably had his make - up touched up and then it was, "roll cameras," or what ever they say.   I start with that observation just to keep things in perspective.  Yes, there is something to be admired if someone tries to filibuster in the way the system was devised.  It is basically an attention grabber.  Rand,  it can be said of you without fear of contradiction, you are an "ace # 1" attention grabber.  Let us proceed.

I think the filibuster must be a young person's game - judging purely by bladder control abilities. Many people would be ruled out just on that "talent" alone.  (Strom Thurmond who was born old must have somehow rigged the system.  I don't want to speculate.  It just seems like something Strom would do in oh so many ways!)

Now if you give due credit for standing and rambling for 12 - 13 hours to a person who has been rambling on for all his young life  - well then - high five Sen. Paul.  Also, if you want to credit him with resurrecting the intended way to filibuster - showing off to his colleagues how to get attention for spewing cr-p for hours on end, then accolades again to Sen. Paul.  I just want to stop here and make reference to my title --- that performance by Mr. Jimmy Stewart was just for a movie for god's sakes. It was a MOVIE ---- which might be why the Mr. Smith character made far more sense, and was far more noble than Rand Paul.

What was young Paul raving about? It seems he wanted an answer to a question that had already been answered - so he rephrased the question, or asked a "newish" but kinda of same question adding a word or two ----- oh lord,  he just wanted a venue to carry on about some of the most insane things that have ever been put in to the Congressional Record.  It was an homage to the Black Helicopter crowd, and of course, Hitler made a cameo appearance --- all of which was set in every  terror inducing scenario that has ever crossed a fifth grader's mind.  Sen. Paul  does not deal in facts.  His world of fantasy is very rich indeed, and I believe it is good that he came forward so that we now know that we should keep a close eye on him.

Remember back when we discussed the image of Alice's Unbirthday Party as an image for The Tea Party?  While Sen. Paul says he is not a Tea Partier, he could certainly sit comfortably at Alice's crazy table waiting for Hollywood to call for the remake -----------    

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


For the second time in a week we are snowbound - homebound!  This time the snow is very wet and heavy - the kind that is perfect for building snow people, forts, and bringing down power lines.  We wait and hope that the power stays on.  We are spoiled.  The drifts are too high for a very short "lady of age" to traverse, so getting to the mailbox is tricky.  Plucky me - I press forward only to discover the mail was not delivered!!!  Very funny!

Irony abounds.  I had been traveling and just returned to Kansas from California just exactly in time for the first blizzard.  In fact I was one of the last flights to make it in to KCI before KCI was closed for the first storm. Being stranded in air terminals does not suit me - thus my motto holds: "Lucky Is Me!"  (My CA. relatives make frequent calls to check up on my situation - appalled that I left their perfect surroundings.) "There's No Place Like Home."  REALLY?

The farmers are happy.  Any moisture is welcome during our great drought. You all will be happy to know that means less money that our KS. legislators will be requesting from the rest of you for farm aid.  Now, you recall our fine legislators - each and every one - voted AGAINST helping those in desperate need after a storm named "Sandy."  Check the list, my darlings. They are also the same champion team that treated Bob Dole like dirt, and tripped over each other racing off to their houses of worship to prove their "holier than thou" credentials before they returned to state houses and Washington to cut funds for children, the elderly, education, and health care.  But ------- DO NOT FORGET THAT WHEN IT COMES TO THE DROUGHT AND "THE FARMLAND'S" VERY REAL NEEDS - it TRULY is a DISASTER!  It just happens to be "OUR" disaster.  LET IT SNOW!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

How About Those Boy Scouts?

In the last blog we were talking about maturity, or the lack thereof.  Enter stage right, The Boy Scouts Of America and today's "charming" decision that underscores their bigotry. If you have to put off making an obvious decision to do the right thing, you are then fully entertaining the thought of NOT doing the right thing.  You are not invested in getting rid of discrimination, and you want to give the bigots more time to organize.  It is that simple.  Bigotry almost slipped away when the polling numbers showed more people were in favor of stopping the discrimination.  I guess more people actually said yes to those "scouting values," and that scared the stuffing out of the haters.  "We need more time to organize," screamed those same haters - lacking in maturity, and fearful that they may actually be held to The Boy Scout Oath.  Well, the bigots won their delay, and The Boy Scouts do not seem very brave!

Attending The State Of the Union?

Just today the news reported that several congressmen were proudly announcing that they were not going to attend The State Of the Union Address.  Here we go again!  The great challenge to our nation's  maturity. Do you have to get to be my age to understand the magnitude of these "fine" decisions not to attend a State Of The Union Address? I'm assuming that there is no one to advise such congress people as to how this "grand gesture" comes across to a great portion of the electorate.  But returning  to the word "maturity" ----- somewhere along about the 15th or 16th year of life I'm guessing that the process of maturing for these people stopped dead!  Even though they now have the bodies of full grown adults, they state that they plan to sit in their offices and tweet!  By golly, that will surely show our President!  WELL DONE!

Do these fine leaders advise their own children to act in such a manner?  How would that go?  "Do not show good sportsmanship, youngster.  Sulk at home and do nothing to help your school or team. Better yet, make a show of staying at home."  Ahhh perfect!

Seeing how you can show disrespect to the President ------ it never gets old.

Monday, January 28, 2013

The Heart Assoc. Tried To Guilt Me!!

Has this ever happened to you? I swear, The Heart Assoc. just tried to "guilt" me into accepting their neighborhood canvasing packet. You know the one.  It holds all the materials needed to cover your neighborhood - mail envelopes to neighbors asking for their contributions,  use of money is explained, a list of the amount of donations is made, receipts and stickers are given, and you are required to tally and return everything to The Heart Assoc. etc., etc..

One year I agreed to do my part. I gladly did what was asked to represent my neighborhood.  Since that time, I have received an annual call asking me to "work the neighborhood" again. I usually reply that it is the turn of another neighbor, and I go on to explain that I work with other groups, which is quite true.  THIS YEAR I DID NOT RECEIVE A CALL.  So what happened?  They just went ahead and sent the packet without my consent.  The front of that packet was covered with print remarking on my thoughtfulness for "agreeing  to help The Heart Assoc."  HOLD ON THERE!  JUST A DAMN MINUTE!  I DID NOT AGREE TO ANYTHING!  I DIDN'T EVEN GET A CALL!

I asked around and found out that others had had the same experience. Yes, I do feel "guilty" to say that I returned the packet unopened.  I noted on the front the following: Return to sender - I did not agree to receive this!"  I suppose some of the other victims went ahead and answered the call. I didn't ask them how they handled it because I didn't want to know just how terrible I was!  A few, though, offered the information that they had returned their packets and made a mental note to no longer donate to The Heart Assoc.!

 No one said they put the packet in the trash. So that is a good thing, but my final thought is  ---- who is this person that thinks this is a proper way to reach someones's heart while attempting to save people's hearts?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

You MUST Meet The Newest Kansas Star!

Meet Tim Huelskamp!  Kansas, First District - Dodge City!  Calling card:  Against decency on the most basic levels.
1.) He thought people politicized the tragedy "so quickly."  That would be his thinking about 20 children being gunned down..  Tim says, "It is not a gun problem."
2.) Tim attempted to head up that coup against Speaker Boehner.  (Just so you see how far to the right he is.)
3.)  Ah, now we get to the core of Mr. Tim Huelskamp.  He accepted lots and lots of federal aid for Kansas tornado disaster needs while saying NO to Hurricane Sandy victims.  You got it!  This guy is one of the ring leaders of that crowd.
4.) Tim's family has accepted millions in farm subsidies, even though our Tim himself is not actually a farmer.  He has scammed the system for federal money to the tune of hundreds of millions.  In fact, if you research this professional scammer in the world of farm lobbying and pay offs ---- not to mention where all his campaign finances come from, you will see this guy actually "wrote the proverbial book!"  You have to know how to put things in your parent's names as well as other family members so it doesn't look quite so filthy.  Then, you can stand in judgement, and make other people's lives hell!
5.)This man, along with all the other Representatives from Kansas voted NO on the Sandy relief package.  (They  did like an "off-sets package" that oddly wasn't a condition to all that aid that came to tornado damaged Kansas.)
6.)  We may look like rural rubes 'just a settin out here on the farm,' but you city folk should be aware, and be afraid.  Be very afraid! Even though Speaker Boehner  stripped our ambitious little Tim of a committee leadership position, the "Timster" is a vengeful man.  He and his family have amassed a fortune, and they are deep into the Kansas political culture.  He will count on your taking him for just another right winger from a red state, while he further enriches himself and hopes you don't notice that  ---- the hawk is circling in that clear cloudless Kansas sky..... just above you!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

"What Did You Do In The War, Daddy?"

Aw, I'm just borrowing the name of an old Blake Edwards film circa 1966.  A WWII comedy of bumbling and mishaps. One of the best parts for today's purposes is the title.  I am "lifting" the title and changing it to, "What Did You Do During The 112th Congress Daddy or Mommy?"

Just imagine the conversations "The 112th" folks can have with their children or grandchildren.  The kiddos might ask, "Just exactly what did you do while serving in Congress?  What did you accomplish?"  The proud members of The 112th can now proudly answer, "Well we blocked the first African - American President at every turn.  Yep, we did our best to keep him from being successful at attaching his name to any legislation that would end well for this country.  Darned if he didn't get health care through - after a fashion, and despite us, and boy howdy, did he shock the hell out of us by getting re-elected!  We did our level best to make his presidency a failure --- but ----"  "NO, NO  NO," says the the inquisitive child.  "What did you do for the country?" "The 112th" answers, "NOTHING, my child. We did nothing for the country."  Working  for the country was not one of our dedicated goals, and there is no guarantee that that it is a goal of "The 113th."

"We" fulfilled our goal right up until the very end when it all went so very wrong, and President Obama soundly won re-election.  "The 113th" has only barely started their journey into history.  Will they be able to understand that "What They Do During The War," is only a matter of honor if their goal is to build and strengthen --- not destroy our country?  Can "The 113th"make that distinction?  Do they want to  make that distinction?  I hope they don't ultimately decide to bumble their way through mishap after mishap.  Real life is not a Blake Edwards' comedy.